(XXI) Family

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Friday/January 5, 1990

Burberry Mansion

I took my future-father-in law's advice. In the nursery, one morning, the very morning I brought my girls home actually, I prepared myself to bring up the wedding.

"I've been meaning to say to you," she smiled at me, "Happy New Year."

"Happy New Decade," I chuckled with her. "I've been meaning to say—or ask, you something too."


"When are we getting married?"

"I thought I was already your wife," she teased, falling into my chest with a giggle.

"You are," I said, raking my fingers on the back of her exposed neck.


"God says so." And we moaned through a kiss. "I want a wedding."

"I know a lot of couples who have long, happy lives with children and all, and they never walked down the aisle. Celebrity couples, too."

"Lula, why are your feet suddenly so cold?"

"They're not. I'm giving you options. I'm so afraid you're gonna change your mind mid-planning or something. Is it too soon?"

All I had to do was draw her eyes on our two daughters.

"Burberry-Nelson," she smiled.

"You should've taken my advice and combined our last names," I said. "Nelberry would've been easier for them to learn and write."

"You're so silly," she laughed. "I would have it Burberry-Nelson regardless if we were married or not."

"I seriously wanna do it, though. Let's get this thing rolling, baby mama. I want you to start planning the wedding," I said.

"Prince Rogers, don't call me your baby mama," she laughed. "I love you, crazy man."

"I love you, too."

London began to weep, stealing our smooching moment.

"Go lay down," I told Lula, leaving her embrace. "I know you're still in pain."

"Call Joy. You need to rest, too."

"No. I only want her here if one of us is out. We don't need her right now." Lowering the crib railing, I started talking to my baby girl. "That was a short nap," I said, and her whimpering stopped at the sound of my voice, only leaving a pout at her lips. "Baby, come here," I whispered to Lula. "Look at her mouth."

Lula came over, and nearly fell out at the sight. "My God, she's so cute...where's my camera?"

Before I could tell her there was no way she could catch this moment, she had hobbled out of the room. London started up again, and I lifted her carefully, and brought her close to my chest.

We walked around, and I hummed softly to her, because her pamper was dry and her belly was full. So she just wanted to be held.

The sound of a camera's click spun me around towards the door. Lula smiled behind the lens, taking more.

"Baby, go lay down before you hurt yourself."

"She's asleep?" She came closer to see, and said that she was. "You're spoiling them."

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