(III) Breakdown

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Tuesday/August 9, 1988/ Johanneshov, Stockholm, Sweden

On the plane ride, I could not stop thinking about my Burberry rendezvous. After my divorce finalized, I told myself no more catching feelings. No more 'from the first moment I saw you.' I wanted to be done with all that. Keep things casual, and keep things moving. But there I was, sitting on the plane, irritable as I don't know what because I was stuck in a place I didn't want to be.

I wanted more of Lula. Everything about her excited me. I needed more time. I had never enjoyed getting to know someone more than getting to know Lula Burberry.

Some of the guys asked me about my time with her, and I wouldn't even acknowledge that they were speaking to me. It wasn't something I wanted to talk about. That would only irritate my desire even more. And plus, it was like my own secret treasure. Those first moments that we shared is something I was keeping to myself.

Straight from the sky, I landed down in Sweden and rode to the Isstadion arena for rehearsals. We were all on stage, starting off soundcheck with adjustments here and there, and then I get word that Nahla had just arrived.

  We were all on stage, starting off soundcheck with adjustments here and there, and then I get word that Nahla had just arrived

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"And?" is exactly what my response was. But I was told she needed to see me in a hurry. And that it would only take five minutes because she had a flight to catch.

"You can't deny it," she said across from me.  Nahla was pissed off because someone let her know about my "philandering" with Sheila. "I'm sure Cat's in the mix, too, right? I wouldn't even put Bonnie past you at this point. You were probably fucking all of us when we toured in Europe. Right?"

"Nahla..." This beautiful girl I once longed for was becoming extremely draining to deal with. When she'd get like this, it just tore me up. I never used to imagine this side of her coming for me so hard.  I guess it was time for me to accept that we could never be who we once were.  We were caught up in a cycle at this point.  "I just got off the plane... I need to rehearse." My tone was almost begging.

"Maybe if you would've returned my calls we could've discussed this over the phone."

"Alright. But what's the point in us talking about this now?"

"Freedom, right?"


"Right? Just tell me how long. Since that night I locked you out and you ran to Kat's house? And probably fucked her?"

"Alright, I'm not doing this." I turned towards the door, and like a madwoman, Nahla scurried forward to shove me away from my escape. I tripped back while chuckling to myself.

"I'm fucking talking to you!" she screamed.

There were quick knocks on the door and a concerning "Hey" from my strongarm brother.

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