(XII) Baby, You're A Trip

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     No one was as lucky as me

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     No one was as lucky as me. That's how I felt making love to her back in the suite. Intoxication or not, I didn't want that feeling to fade. And to my surprise, it stayed with me. I dreamt in the haze. I woke up in a daze. I started to feel insane.

Through the hours left on our trip, not many words were spoken. It sounds crazy, but we were in and out. In and out of lovemaking, in and out gazing, sleeping, kissing, fucking. We didn't have much time for words. Humanity vanished behind us. We were two souls, in harmony. Never have I ever felt so close to God.

The spiritual high brought Lula to tears the morning we were to leave each other. It was hard on myself, too. I didn't want to depart this experience.

"I love you," she breathed. "Just try?"

"I'll try."

Lula had to set all her energy on London's Fashion Week. There was a lot she had to put into it, so she couldn't come with me to Germany. But I promised her I would try to see her before flying back across the North Atlantic.

Wednesday/September 7, 1988/Dortmund, Germany

     When I arrived in Germany, I felt completely lost

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When I arrived in Germany, I felt completely lost. The stars were still under me. I was incomplete, my mind still gone. My senses numb as I yearned for the missing part of me. I felt no longer human.

"How was the wedding!?"  

     "How was the wedding!?"  

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