(XI) In Wonder

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     Déjà vu. It was just like when Kat came to New York City, talking about she's pregnant. Was I supposed to ditch Lula now to take Nahla to a doctor?

My entire night was ruined. I didn't want to come to this wedding in the first place, and now before even seeing Kat, I was ready to go. Didn't want to be around anyone, hence why I was locked up in my empty limousine rental.

Lula came and found me, and now she was fishing for the truth behind my attitude, but I just kept telling her "nothing." My eyes were settled out the window. There was nothing great to view, just a cluttered valet lot of vehicles. But I felt invisible, and that was enough.

"Look, I don't want to speak ill about your friend because she's no longer with us, but what happened, happened. There's no use in pouting about it right now while at this wedding."

It was that, too. "If she would've never lied, none of us would be at this wedding."


My fingers were squeezing at my chin. And carelessly, I said, "Kat would still be mine—my wife." One of the suited men jumped in a car, and headlights beamed my way. I turned from the window, not able to handle facing the glare, and I was met instead with the glossy-eyed woman beside me.

I didn't say anything, or break my stone exterior.

"Are you going to go back inside?"

"No," I answered. "I have to call Nahla."

"Okay, Prince." It sounded weird without the Rogers. I could tell she was suddenly lost on me.

Lula scooted towards the door, and without looking back once, left me. And then I felt it again. Déjà vu. Purposely fucking shit up because I was afraid.

I didn't even call Nahla. There were so many places on this Earth she could've been, and I knew none of the phone numbers by heart. I just sat there, watching the suited men move around vehicles.

Maybe five or ten minutes later, after killing myself with theories, there was a knock on the window. All I could see was a white dress.

"Prince? I know you're still in there."

"What do you want?"

"I left my damn wedding to come out here. Can you please open the door before someone sees me?"

I reached across the seat and plucked the lock below the handle. As soon as her and her poofy dress filled the empty space around me, the air grew thick and suffocating.

"What's wrong?" The door slammed shut, and she looked at me, modeled in a way I had never seen. There wasn't one flaw etched in her beauty. And her dress, strapless and beaded in crystals made her look like a princess.

"Why are you in here?" I asked.

"Because I was going around saying hello to everyone and Lula was by herself. She said you weren't feeling well but I could read between the lines."

"I'm not feeling well."

"Look..." She tried to grab my hand but I snatched it away with a tight scowl. "Look," she stated again, "I know this isn't your scene but you promised to show up today."

"And I did."

"You haven't been around. I didn't even see you at the ceremony."

"Oh, you were looking for me?" That pissed me off. "Of course you were. You guilted Michael and I to come here knowing damn well we both have better things to do."

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