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animatic by ziksua


~Alex POV~

I sip my black coffee, the bitter taste filling my mouth. People question my taste in coffee but I usually just shrug it off. Black coffee reminds me of my mom and home. We only had black coffee to drink so naturally, i had gotten used to it.

"So John, how's it been going with James?" Laf said, smirking as John grew flustered.

"Nothing! We've just started talking is all..." John finally said, his voice fading at the end.

"Ha! You do like him!" Herc shrieked, causing a few people to stare at us. I had to remind him that we were at a coffee shop, not one of our dorms.

"No I dont!" John whisper yelled back, trying to hide the obvious. I had seen them talk during debate lately. When ever they talked, they were both furiously blushing.

From the corner of my eye, I notice Madison and Jefferson walk in. I give John a playful shove and point out his crush. All of us laugh as John turns back, his face entirely red. I decide to leave it there but Laf has other plans.

Me and John watch in horror as he waves the two Virginians over.

"Laf, I attacked him the other day! I dont want to see him more than I have to!" I whispered as they approached our table. Laf shot me a grin before turning to say hi to Madison.

"Hey, do you guys wanna pull up some seats and sit down with us?" Herc says. Jefferson and Madison look at each other for a second before the taller one says sure.

Next to me I see John silently panicking at the sight of his crush. I look over at James and notice that he feels the same way. We sit in silence for a few seconds before Herc pipes up.

"So how was everyone's day?" he says, trying to break the ice.

"What is this kindergarten?" Jefferson says.

"Well what do you what to talk about?" I groan. I cant believe im at the coffee shop with my enemy.

"I dunno? Hybrids or something?" Jefferson mumbles but I feel a jolt of fear hit me as I rememeber the fight. Did he realize that I was a hybrid?

He wouldnt have brought up that topic if he didnt know right? I try and swallow but my throat has seemed to gone dry.

"Non! That is what got you two fighting in the first place!" Laf says. Both me and Jefferson huff, but I silently thank him for that. Even if he didnt know what he was doing.

We finally find a topic to talk about, and I'm surprised to find out that holding up a conversation wth Jefferson isnt as hard as it seems. A few half-hearted insults thrown here and there but besides that nothing. You wouldve thought that since we're roommates we wouldve had at least one civil conversation.

I finally decode to invite everyone over to my dorm cause why not? The coffe shop isnt to far from the dorm so we decide to walk in pairs since the sidewalk isnt wide enough for 6 people.

Herc and Laf lead the group killing us all with their couple stuff, John and James are talking up a storm, both faintly blushing. This leaves me to walk with Jefferson. I silently curse myself at this realization but decide to walk with him anyways.

"You know, this isnt too bad," he mumbles next to me.


"This," he replies. "We're actually talking like normal humans. For once I'm not trying to slit your throat."

I hum, thinking about what he said. I then realize that we're already at the dorm. I unlock it and let everyone inside.

"Movie?" Thomas asks, receiving multiple cheers.

I pop some popcorn as I hear the opening scenes of the movie. I carry the bowl with two hands as I walk into the room. I hand the bowl to Laf and sit down on the couch, giving my attention to the screen.

Only halfway through I realize that I'm sitting next to Thomas, our arms and legs touching. I feel another jolt of fear fill me and I raise my hand to feel my beanie. Sighing when I feel it, right where ir should be. My hand falls into my lap but I cant help but feel that theres somethig else off. I try to shake my paranoia off but i cant help but wonder if Thomas knows. If he knows then surely James would know too.

And if Thomas even had the hunch that I was a hybrid, then he wouldve confronted me about it already. Right?

That thought set my mind at ease and I relaxed a little. I had learned from my mistake, control my anger or get caught. I shuddered at the thought of someone finding out my secret.

I guess Thomas felt me shuddering cause he turned to me, worry in his eyes. I windered what caused him to feel that. We were at each others throats the other day. What made him change so quickly?

He leaned in and whispered, "You ok?"

I felt his breath on my neck, making chills go down my spine. His voice was so soft that I had barely heard him.

I hummed and nodded, letting him now I was fine. I couldnt talk as quietly as him. It just wasnt in my genes. He nodded and turned his attention back onto the movie.

A few minutes later, I felt a weight lean on my side. I turn and feel surprised to see Thomas had fallen asleep and was now leaning into me.

I tried to squirm and push him away but he was to heavy. I tried to wake him up but he was a heavy sleeper too. As the movie finished, I realized that everyone else was asleep too.

Luckily, the remote was in my reach. I was able to turn the tv off but I was still stuck between thomas and the end of the couch.

I tried to wiggle away but at this point he was practically ontop of me. I huffed and gave up, deciding to sleep right where I was.


I feel like im messing this up so bad. at forst it was ok but now its just not.

Love y'all


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