|| Chapter Sixteen - The Group ||

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   "This is so exciting!" Jodi screeched, "I mean, the circumstances are abhorrent but..." Jodi drifted off, throwing a lock of raven hair over her shoulder.

   Her hand tightened on my wrist as she lead me through the numerous corridors. The house was bright and lively, people bustled around with their weapons and miscellaneous items. I made a note to bring up the 'weapon' situation at some point. There was hardly any blank canvas walls, windows graced every orifice and allowed light to flood in.

   Jodi made a sharp turn and lead me down a corridor that was completely different to the rest. The contrast from light to dark caused my eyes to go fuzzy as they adjusted. There was the occasional photo on the wall, somewhere family pictures and others were just singular shots. I didn't get time to actually look at them.

   We entered the room at the very end of the corridor. It was simple, in comparison to the rest of the house, the walls were blue with music posters scattered awkwardly over them, there was a simple blackout blind covering the window. I was intrigued, however, by the card board plaque covering the wall. It was secured sloppily by masking tape.

   "This is Devon's room. I'm afraid there aren't any available rooms at the moment. Unfortunately for us, half our household was taken down by enemies conspiri-" Jodi stopped when she noticed my face. Nervously, she tugged at the tassels hanging from her suede jacket.

   After a few moments of silence, she spoke up, "Sorry, this really isn't my place to say-" Jodi shook her head, "Wait here. I will ask about Devon." Without waiting for my reply, she ran from the room, slamming the door behind her.

   Too fast. Everything has happened too fast. Something I could only describe as disbelief ran through my veins. It was difficult- barely- to come to terms with the possibility that Devon was mixed up in this. Even more so to acknowledge that he is their 'boss'. However, what was even more difficult was the fact that all my 'friends' were a part of it as well.

   I sat down on Devon's bed and focused on the silence. Admiring the trees blowing in the winds outside. I watched as birds flew from the branches, leaving their occupied nests behind. There was a river not so far from the tree line, deers and their fawns idled around and drank. There was something else too, but this figure was far more disturbing.

   Slowly, I approached the window. An all too familiar face appeared. The same man who watched me from below my window was currently staring up at the house. Not at me. Higher up.

   I frowned, making my way to the wall closest to the window. I peered up, seeing nothing. When I looked back, he had shifted his gaze to myself. I gasped, instinctively falling backwards.

   Frantically, I approached the door, the word 'help' lost on my tongue. How did he find us? Why was he following me again? His higher power was shot and killed, which could only leave room for-

   For Isaac to send him.

   Just as my hand itched for the doorknob, Jodi burst through, Harrison close behind.

   "Oh!" She squeaked, bounding into me. I stumbled backwards and clumsily regained my footing, "sorry girl..." she blushed profusely and turned her attention away from me.

   Harrison chuckled and wrapped a comforting arm around her shoulder, "Listen, we have Devon here. He's stable. Lost a lot of blood but..." he took a deep breath, suddenly the exhaustion showed, his face was sweaty, traces of blood here and there. Harrison's hair was scattered dryly over his forehead and stuck up in odd positions.

   "Harrison." I blurted, interrupting him, "I need you to send someone out there." I pointed to the window. Harrison gave me an incredulous look- anyone would think I'd asked him to parade around in and Elsa costume singing let it go.

   "I saw someone." I stated bluntly.

   "We have men everywhere Aria." He replied, removing his arm from Jodi's shoulder. He walked over to the window and looked out, there was a moment of silence before he shrugged and turned around, "There isn't anyone there.".

   "There was. Trust me." I pleaded, "I've seen him before, in fact, it was yesterday." Hoping this gave him some excuse to do as I'd asked, I pushed on, "He works for Isaac." I finished.

   A look of panic flashed across Harrison's face before he began moving, "Jo-jo, take her to Devon. Do not go outside." He ordered, storming past us and disappearing from the corridor.

   Jodi let out a breath before muttering, "Well done. He will be on edge all night." She threw her hand up in the air and began walking.

   "The problem is?" I teased.

   She swerved on me, her eye twitching with fury, "The problem is, a girls got needs, he should be doing the fulfilling." She cried.

   "Full filling." I mused, "got it."

   "You're dirty." She giggled, hopping down the stairs. I admired her indifferent nature, always positive, always happy. Makes me wonder how she got involved in all of this.

   She greeted people as we plodded by, a few held a lingering stare at me but nobody commented. I sped up and marched Jodi's pace, "Don't worry-" she whispered, "They're imposing but they know you're Devon's girl." I stumbled slightly. 'Devon's girl'?

   My thoughts were interrupted as we came to a halt in front of a door marked with a red number- '256'- underneath it had 'Emergency Medical Assistance' scrawled on a chafed whiteboard.

   Slowly, she opened the door and marched in. There was a man in a white suit standing over a desk covered in bloodied gauze and silver medical instruments. He turned when we entered and greeted us with a bright smile, he raised his finger to his lips and shushed us gently, "Finally got the big man to sleep." He whispered, rolling his eyes.

   "Damn..." Jodi whimpered, "Should we leave?" She inquired. The doctor- I presumed- pulled a face before reluctantly nodding.

   "I'd recommend it." He said sadly, "He's a little... cranky." Pointedly, he stared at Jodi, "and you know what he's like when he's cranky." Soon after, he left the room.

   Jodi and I stood in silence for a while before she turned to me with a funny look on her face- mischief.

   "You know..." she began, her voice holding a pitchy lilt, "Really He needs company just in case he takes a turn for the worst." She countered, "and Martin won't be back for a while..." She crooned.

    "How'd you know?" I pathetically said.

   "I'll make sure of it." She said quickly, and bounded from the room. Shutting the door a little louder than I'd liked. I cringed as the sound resonated around the room.

   I could hear shuffling coming from behind me, but I didn't dare turn around. I wasn't in the mood to deal with a cranky Devon, no matter how frustratingly-

   "Hot." Devon croaked.

   I turned quickly and awkwardly smiled, "Hot?" I squeaked.

   "I'm hot. Get this fucking blanket off me." He demanded. A muscle feathered in his jaw as he feebly attempted to sit up.

  "Don't. Stay still. I got it." I fussed, removing the blanket from him, to reveal his bare legs, the only thing covering his modesty was his boxers. Blushing, I looked away. A dry laugh rumbled from him.

   "Can't handle a bit of bulge?" He teased.

   Suddenly, I realised something. I had the upper hand. This guy can barely move. I turned to him, blushing still, a smirk on my face.

   "What bulge? There's nothing there?" I spat, bringing the blanket back over his legs, "and, we don't want your big secret-" I coughed, "sorry, small secret, to get out." I tucked the blanket it and smiled at him.

   A feral growl resonated from his mouth, a vein bulging in his forehead. He was breathing heavily, watching me with pure rage as I sat back and relaxed.

   "You're playing a dangerous game." He gritted out.

   "Shhh, don't tire yourself out." I replied.

Hehehehe, I'm excited.


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