Strange Encounter

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Ryan and Natalie dashed through the forest. Every once in a while they'd look back to see if anything were chasing them.

    "Running from someone?" a voice asked.

    Suddenly, a Nighlok emerged from the trees grinning. Natalie and Ryan grinned at each other.

    "No, we're waiting for the right time to strike," Natalie smirked.

    They remove a Samuraizer from their pockets and hold it in front them making a kanji in the air. Ryan made the kanji for darkness and Natalie made the kanji for metal. At the same time Power Ranger armor replaced the clothes they were wearing.

    "What? Two more Power Rangers? As if six wasn't enough!" the Nighlok said in disbelief.

    Instead of wielding a Spin Sword, the Black Ranger held a katana black as night along with a shield that had the kanji for darkness. The Silver Ranger wielded a bow and arrow, the bow metallic and the arrows platinum. The Nighlok (Robtish) struck his sword and Ryan out his shield defensively.

    "Two against one, that's really fair is it?" Robtish asked.

    "Maybe not for you," Natalie retorted.

    Natalie then aimed her bow at Robtish and fires three arrows which bounce of Robtish's sword. Natalie rushed to the Nighlok and began to swing her bow knocking it into Robtish's head. The Nighlok roared with fury and knocked Natalie to the side. Robtish laughed absently and Ryan slashed his katana causing Robtish to take a few steps back.

    "Natalie! Now would be a good time to jump in!" Ryan yelled.

    Natalie leaped into the air and kicked Robtish's head and he fell to the ground. Ryan stood over the Nighlok and stabbed his katana downward. Robtish dissolved in dust leaving Natalie and Ryan who powered down.

The two made camp there for the night since they had no where esle to go.

    "How far are we away from the city?" Ryan asked.

    "A few miles, I'll race you tomorrow," Natalie replied.

    "You'll never beat me."

    "Watch me."

    "I'll be back. I'll scope the area in case some Nighloks are here."

    Ryan rose from his place and walked into the shadows. Being the Ranger of Darkness, Ryan could easily disappear within the shadows. He leaped from tree to tree standing on a tree branch watching the ground intently. He removed his Samuraizer and created the kanji for protection.

    Once Ryan was on the ground, a young girl walked through the forests. Ryan recognized her, this was the Yellow Ranger. She had blond hair like Natalie and hazel eyes which reflected moon light. She wore light colors, a white sun dress with bright orange polka-dots.

    "What's she doing here?" Ryan whispered to himself.

    The Yellow Ranger turned towards Ryan's direction and asked, "Hello? Is anyone there?"

    Ryan emerged from the darkness and said, "Yes, there's someone here."

    "Who are you?" the Yellow Ranger asked.

    "Someone who you'll see again," Ryan answered.

    He took Emily's hand and kissed it before he dashed back into the woods.



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