Chapter 16

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Emily's POV

I stood up at the same time as our interviewer and she gave me the meanest staredown in the world. "what are you trying to pull? The people do care about his sex life and you just ruined the entire thing!" "Hey, stop it.  Don't talk to her like that.  I can promise you that after today we will not be returning to your show.  Emily is right, the world doesn't need to know about my sex life and you are not to speak to her or any one like that." Harry said, pushing me out of the way. "Oh, H-harry I'm so, so very sorry..." "You should be.  I'm done with everyone and all their crap recently.  Lads, lets perform and get out of here." The other guys stood up and followed Harry to the performance stage while we all walked backstage to watch.  Gemma grabbed me and pulled me aside from everyone else. "What were you thinking?!" "I wasn't!" "Well I could tell, the whole world could do you know what people are going to be saying?" "what?" "that the reason you didn't want his sex life talked about was because it was with you! I bet you anything!" "Gross no, I hate your brother I don't even like being near him why would I ever want to..." "Shhh... Just... Be careful about what you say and to who.  I'll help clear this up the best that I can but it'll be difficult." "I'm sorry Gemma..." "It's fine it's just... Why did you interfere like that?" "Because she was pissing me off and that's an incredibly annoying and invaaive question." "Well... Even though you've gotten yourself into trouble, thank you.  It's time someone say something like that."

After the performance, we immediately left.  All of the boys were pissed about how the interviewer acted and I guess Harry meant it when they said they would never be back.  We headed straight to the busses and began our overnight drive to england.  But guess who can't sleep on busses either? That's right, me.  I sat in thr front area on the couches and stared out of the window. "You're doing it again..." Harry came to sit next to me. "Sorry." "It's fine, you just obviously have a lot on your mind." "Yeah, I do." I faced him crosslegged and he did the same. "What's on your mind?" I already didn't know what was on my mind before he asked. "Too much." "Me too..." It was quiet for a minite until he broke it. "I wanted to say thank you for what you said today, in the interview.  It was not smart, but thank you for it.  I never know what to say when they ask stuff like that." "Well, no one shpuld ask those questions, they're not important." He smiled down at his hands and then looked up at me. "Why'd you do it?" "Do what? Defend you?" "Yes, why did you defend me?" "I guess because you did the same for me.  Just returning the favor." "Gotcha.  Well, thanks." He uncrossed his legs and sat forward on the seat again. "What is happening with us?" He asked after another moment of silence. "I don't know." "I'm tired of fighting with you...tell me something." "What's that?"

Ooh #cliffhanger

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