Chapter 6

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Emily's POV

The next day was the first concert.  They guys were warming up all day and Gemma and I were working with Lou on their hair.  She had taught me before how to do Niall's and Liam's.  I sprayed Niall's hair and began combing through it. "Your roots are getting long, we need to dye your hair soon." Lou was next to me, working on Harry's hair, not too difficult since he wrapped it up in those ridiculous scarves anyways. "Yeah, Nialler, I am dyin your hair tomorrow." "Thanks Lou." He replied.  I had it combed right so I grabbed the gel and hairspray.  I lathered and stiffened his hair to it's normal look and received a nice hug and cheek kiss for it. "You're doing great Emily, finish Harry's? I have to help Louis real fast." "I can do Louis' hair." "No, I need you to do Harry's, here." She handed me a comb and ran over to Louis.  I walked behind him and looked at him through the mirror, didn't say anything, and began combing his hair softly.  He had really soft hair and the curls fell together nicely.  Great, I hated Harry and now had a standing jealousy of his hair.

I combed it through and sprayed it so that the curls wouldn't flatten in this humidity. "Do you want to tie in the scarf or do I need to do that?" I asked, not making eye contact. "I can do it." He said, taking it off of the counter.  He fidgeted with it and in a few minutes, had it tied in. "Look good?" He asked.  I looked at him through the mirror. "Why? You don't care what I think anyways." "You're right. Thanks for the hair." He said, standing up and walking away.  Gemma and Lou had finished everyone else's hair and they were all in for final sound check now.  I sat in the chair that Harry was in, put my feet on the counter and pulled out my phone to scroll through twitter. "Emily is a slut." "Ugly" "band whore!" "Omg I love you Emily please follow x233" i followed her and then she freaked out.  Although there was an occasional comment or tweet saying that someone loved me, the negative ones always stood out.  I tried really hard to ignore them and play it off like it never bothered me, but their words constantly echoed in my head.  I just tweeted "So proud of Niall! I have the best brother in the world!" And then let the hate fly in. "It's always good to not check social media after you tweet or post." Gemma said, turning off my screen.

Next Chapter up soon guys! :) Xxx

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