Chapter 25

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Emily's POV

We pushed through the fans, well, our security guards cleared a path for us, and were soon back in the car.  Once the door was closed, Harry had me still tightly enclosed in his arms. "Harry, I'm not leaving, you don't have to keep holding me." "Yeah, but I'm never letting you go, ever again." I smiled up at him and traved every line on his face from his forehead, to his lips, out to his dimples and down his neck. "You're sappy..." I said, cuddling closer. "And you love it." "Maybe." "So, you finally accept defeat?" "You're the one who came running after me, love." He rolled his eyes and kissed me. "Fine, it's a truce then.  We both win." He said against my lips, occasionally touching them with his own, sending sparks through them every time they touched.  We kissed again and then cuddled in the back seat. "How are we going to tell everyone? They all think that we hate each other." I said, suddenly realizing that no one knew anything. "Oh... Right.  They don't even know I came to the airport to get you." I smiled up at him. "We could fight." "What?" "Let's get into a massive argument and say absolutely ridiculous things and then whoever is winning will have to be kissed by the other to interrupt and resolve the fight.  It'll be fun!" He kissed my nose and brushed my hair from my face. "You're right, lets do it.  Tomorrow." "Deal." "You have to act angry at me when we get there." "Alright, I can do that."

We pulled up at the hotel and before we got out of the car, I kissed him quickly. "Don't touch me." I said right after, pushing him away so that I could get out of the car.  I stormed in with him following right behind me.  When we reached the elevator, I faced him angrily. "Why didn't you just let me go?" "I'm sorry, it was what was best for your brother and the sanity of my sister." "I don't care, she's fine with just Ashton!" "You're so pathetic, you don't get it do you? She needs a girl! Someone to talk to about everything!" "Well, isn't that what you're for?" "Shut up Emily, you're absolutely pathetic when it comes to this kind of thing." I began crying and he instantly hugged me. "No harry, this is good, you can't hug me." "But I made you cry, that's awful." "No, it's convincing." We arrived on our floor and walked to the room where everyone was waiting on the couches anxiously.  Harry stormed in in front of me, causing everyone to sigh with relief. "Thank goodnes, we had no idea where you'd gone." I walked in right then. "I was bringing someone back." Grmma ran to me so quickly, I swear she had flashed over. "Oh my gosh." She said, breathing heavily through our hug. "Thank heavens, I thought I was going to die without you."

Sorry for the late update guys! My exams are starring tomorrow and I've been studying but I'll try to keep updating :)

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