Chapter 12

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Emily's POV

The match was great, we didn't win, but it was still fun for them.  Afterwards, everyone went out for drinks and for a massive party.  Gemma and Ashton sat in a corner just loving eachother, and I stood idly by Niall, took pictures of him and his friends, and then drifted to the back of the social group.  Alcohol.gave me headaches, so at the end of the night, I was still sipping on my virgin drinks and everyone else was falling around everywhere.  It took a while, but we were all escorted back to the hotel.  I tried sleeping with Gemma, but when she got drunk, she snored.  I grabbed my blanket and a pillow and went out into the living room.  There was a massive window with a window bed that I had sat on most nights here.  I layed down and wrapped myself up and stared out the window, up at the stars, through the darkness...wondering if I was the only one who would ever know their true beauty. "Can't sleep still?" Harry said, stepping out of his shared bedroom.  I sat up against the wall, looked at him, then back out the window. "Your sister snores when she's drunk." "I know, it's awful." He went in the kitchen and fiddled around with stuff for about five minutes and then came over to the window seat and handed me a steaming mug. "Coffee is not going to help me sleep Harry..." "That's why it's herbal mint tea.  It's really relaxing." I took a sip and could feel my muscles relieve their tension already.

We were quiet for a while, just sat there sipping at our tea, staring out of the big window.  It was too much. "Harry, thank you.  For the tea." "Oh, sure." "And for your apology.  I'm sorry too." "Don't be.  You've done nothing wrong.  This is all me, all my fault, and I don't know how I let it all get so far." I didn't know what to respond with.  Thankfully, I didn't have to. "Niall is really cuddly if you want to sleep with him, I'll go in with Gemma." He stood up and took my cup from me. "Thank you." I stood up, grabbed my pillow and blanket and headed to Niall's room.  I don't know why, but I turned back and looked at him, and he was looking at me too.  I half smiled. "sleep'll need rest for the interview tomorrow." "Yeah, you as well." I turned back and climbed into bed with Niall who held onto me like a sloth holds onto a tree.  And for the first time in a week, I actually fell asleep.

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