Chapter Twenty-one

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Perfect and talented ppl ^

Chapter Twenty-one~

"I really shouldn't be here... the things I'd do for you, Donghan." Kenta muttered to himself as he trod over the dead leaves and fresh grass.

Being his memories were erased last time he was in the Spiritual Realm; he could only vaguely remember where Abby had seen her witch friend. He wasn't in his right state of mind when her and Hyunbin stumbled across her, but he remembered what she looked like. Taking her out of the Spiritual Realm was going to get him banished, but he didn't care as long as she brought Donghan back.

"I recognise you," A familiar voice said and Kenta glanced to his right. It was Demi.

"Yeah, I kinda recognise you... it's... Demi, right?"

"Uh-huh," She nodded. "I see you got your memories back. What are you doing back here?"

"I remember following Abby and Hyunbin and they came across a witch that she knew. I'm here to get her and take her—"

"Are you insane?!"

"Yes. My best friend was killed and I want him back. I have no connections to other witches so I have no choice—"

"You always have another choice! Taking a prisoner out of here will get you put back in here! Are you going to put your friends through that again?"

"... I need him back. They'd understand." He replied and left quickly, Demi shouting after him, telling him that he's crazy. Which he definitely was after going back there.

The journey continued past the dark forest until he came to the familiar park where he remembered them finding Yongguk. When he reached there, his felt as if his heart had iced over. They all looked so depressed and empty and it made him feel gloomy.

"What was her name?" He asked himself as he wondered around waiting for a familiar face to show up.

It took twenty minutes until he finally found her but he still couldn't remember her name. Brianna was standing alone by the seesaw, staring at the cracked tarmac beneath her feet.

"Hi, I'm Kenta. I need you to follow me." He said nervously and she slowly looked up at him, her lilac eyes scaring him a little. She took a lifeless step towards him and he took a step back, her then taking another step towards him. A slight smile hit his face because it told him she was going to follow.

Kenta was lucky that she wasn't a psycho despite being in there. Much like Demi, she had been thrown in there after avenging her family. Both were a threat to humans, but only the ones who were responsible for hurting their families.

Hurriedly, Kenta led Brianna back towards the field opening where it was a little brighter. He quickly pulled the wand-like tool he stole from Hyunbin's desk and he opened up the portal again.

With one step, he led her into the portal and they appeared in Hyunbin's office, Sanggyun almost having a heart attack as the desk shook. Immediately, he spun around and gasped with shock.

"Kenta!" Sanggyun exclaimed. "Did you--is she--what did you do?!"

"I need a witch to bring Donghan back—"

"Kenta, you're insane!" He shouted at him, quickly closing the portal because the blue jelly texture frightened him.

"I know—"

"Why did you bring me here?" Brianna asked Kenta, holding her head in pain.

"... uh... well, I need you to resurrect someone for me. Abby also wants him back."

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