Chapter Fourteen

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^ Sanggyun & Donghan ^

Chapter Fourteen~

Upon returning home, Abby's parents were more relieved than mad at her because at least she was alive, and came back. The excuse was she snuck out with Yongguk that evening and there were reporters everywhere, so they couldn't leave their destination because there were so many blocking the doors to the cinema.

"Did they not take photos? It will be all over the news—"

"No, one of the workers told us after the movie was running through the credits." Abby said, hoping her mother would stop there but she didn't.

"So what, did you sleep there?"

"... yeah, and then the next morning they were still there, so we had to wait for a while and then... we told the manger to tell them we snuck out the back. Then, we ran out the front after they went around the back to see if we were there." She answered, her eyes trying not to look at her mother's neck. All she could hear was her blood flowing through her body since Yongguk hadn't come back from his house with the blood bag yet.

"... alright... we're just glad you're back, and safe." Her father said to her since her mother didn't reply. Mr Rose went to hug his cherished daughter but she quickly backed away and ran off to her room—it was because the smell of his blood nearly caused her to bite him.

"She's a good liar." Donghan said as he and Kenta strolled towards the stairs.

"Yeah, I was sweating just watching her lie to them." Kenta chuckled and Donghan agreed. They walked up the stairs and knocked on Abby's door before entering.

"We are here to deliver your Oscar award for the best lying NOT on TV." Kenta said, him and Donghan bowing to her like gentlemen when she looked at them.

"Idiots," She laughed and faced her vanity once again. "An award? Yeah, for looking like an actual zombie--look at my skin! It looks ashy!"

"It's a vampire thing." Donghan told her as he closed her bedroom door behind them. "It happens when you're starving. Yongguk needs to hurry up."

"Let's jump her and hug her for saving us." Kenta whispered to Donghan who's eyes lit up at Kenta's words.

"Oooh, ok." He smirked and the two of them snuck over to her, which she didn't notice because she was freaking out over her grey skin.

"Thanks for saving us!" Kenta exclaimed, tackling her as he shouted it--Donghan joining in and they piled on her as she squealed on the floor.

"Omg, get off!" Abby laughed, Kenta and Donghan not moving an inch. They were literally lying on top of her, listening to the music that was her laugh. It made Kenta fall for her even more and it made Donghan freeze and he just wanted to listen to it forever.

"I got it." Yongguk's voice said, his heart not reacting well to what he saw before him. It would obviously make him jealous, but he was too quiet and sweet to act out on his envy.

"Great!" Abby reached her arms out for Yongguk to give it to her since Kenta and Donghan still hadn't moved. "Guys, I need to drink this before I take a chuck out of you—"

Kenta shot up, Donghan falling off his back because he had gotten up so fast.

"Sorry," He smiled sheepishly and Abby patted his head before walking over to Yongguk. He gave her the blood bag and watched her as she casually drank it.

"Being a vampire suits you," He said quietly to her since Donghan and Kenta were talking--well, Donghan was complaining that Kenta hurt his back when he got up too fast.

Abby chuckled, her cold cheeks becoming pink as she started to feel shy. Nervously, she looked at him and he smiled back at her. Just at that moment, as her strength returned to her through drinking the blood, she remembered Donghan's words.

You have to choose eventually...

Those words echoed in her head, sending goose bumps all over her body. It made her feel sick from nerves at the fact she did have to choose eventually.


Abby was slowly drowning, the pressure in her head was building up because her oxygen was running out. She felt weightless as her body sunk deep and deeper in the lake.

Donghan glanced over at Abby when it sounded like she was trying to gasp for air. Half asleep, he pulled himself up off the floor and got onto his knees to get a better view of Abby--she was covered in sweat and her sheets were sticking to her body. Again, she tried to breathe but she couldn't and her face was turning blue.

"What the--Abby..." He said, shaking her gently at first but it didn't work so he had to be rough. "Abby! Wake up!" He panicked because she stopped breathing completely.

"Oh my god--how—what do I do?!" He ran his fingers through his thick locks in frustration. Then, he placed his hands on her chest after realizing what he had to do. He began doing chest compressions and tears dwelled in his eyes after the fourth try. "No, no... y-you can't die--how did this even happen--damnit, Abby!"

Donghan sobbed for a few seconds but he refused to give up and he began the chest compressions again. Suddenly, she coughed up water--so much that it shocked Donghan more than the fact she temporarily died. Abby coughed up more water, then gasped for air.

"Jesus Christ, I thought you had died!" Donghan exclaimed, placing his hand on Abby's head to make sure he wasn't imagining things. He stared at her, wondering why she wasn't reacting for while--until she suddenly started crying.

"I-I was drowning--i-in my dream!" She cried and Donghan looked at her with a worried expression before helping her to her knees so he could wrap his arms around her shoulders.

"It's ok, you're ok now." He comforted her, her body shaking a little no matter how tight his arms were around her. Donghan knew exactly why that happened to her after hearing what she said. However, he never said anything because he didn't want to scare her.

After a few minutes, their positon remained the same but Abby had managed to stop crying. By then, she was just trying to get her breathing under control. Even though she had very little knowledge about the supernatural world, she knew the only way she died was because some force was messing with her. That was what Donghan was afraid to tell her.

"... you saved me," Abby chuckled to stop herself from crying again.

"I did."

"Thank you."

"I will always do everything in my power to make sure you never die." He replied, making her smile and open her eyes. Abby broke the hug and looked at him with a sweet smile.

"I owe you. Also... I'm scared to go back to bed."

"I'm scared for you to go back." He retorted and she giggled, wiping the tears from her cheeks. "...I cried myself, a little. I really thought you wouldn't wake up. I tried five times to resuscitate you."

"You did? Wow... well... I love you for it." She patted his shoulder. Her action and words hit him straight in his feelings and even though she meant it, she meant it in a friendly way and Donghan knew that. However, he lost himself and didn't mean to do what he did next. His lips crashed against hers, almost knocking her backwards but she placed her left hand on his broad shoulder to keep herself up--and a little bit for the fact she kind of liked his lips brushing against hers.

Quickly, Donghan stopped and tried to convince himself he was dreaming. He looked at Abby, who was just as speechless as him and then he vanished into thin air. Abby didn't want to be alone after her dream so she texted Kenta to see if he was done showering. One thing was for sure, she was not going to tell anyone Donghan kissed her.

Donghan is such a naughty kid. Lol.


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