Chapter Sixteen

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Taehyun ^

Chapter Sixteen~

Abby was in deep thought as she sat in Yongguk's livingroom, him and Donghan speaking in the kitchen. Donghan kissed her but she was engaged to Yongguk and yet she liked Kenta. She had feelings for Kenta more than Donghan and Yongguk but she didn't know what to do about it. Picking Kenta would hurt Donghan, picking Donghan would hurt Kenta.

"Abby," Kenta's voice said softly after he had arrived at the livingroom door.

"Yeah? What's up?" She cleared her throat, her attention being snatched at his tone. "You ok?"

"I..." He shook his head, deciding not to mention the fact he saw her and Donghan kiss in his bedroom. "Do you want a drink?"

"Uh, no thanks." She smiled, narrowing her eyes at him slightly because he wasn't smiling. Kenta was always smiling so it worried her that he wasn't. "You don't seem ok, what's wrong?"

Kenta stared at her with tired eyes--from the crying he had done before going to Yongguk's house--but he shook his head and forced one of his adorable smiles.

"Nothing, I'm just worried about you is all. But, I'll protect you with all I got." He smiled wider and she smiled back, nodding and then he walked out to go and talk to Donghan. Yongguk and him looked stressed when Kenta strolled in, but his anger was high so he didn't care why they looked worn out.

"Donghan," He chuckled with annoyance. "How could you kiss the girl I want?"

Yongguk was also taken aback by his words, and he glanced at a startled Donghan with large eyes.

"You and Abby kissed?!"

"... uh... um... yeah... twice, actually--"

"TWICE?!" Kenta screamed, Abby hearing him shout from the livingroom. Yongguk had to stop him from hitting Donghan by keeping a hold of his arms. "What kind of friend--"

"I'm sorry, it kinda just... happened, you know?"

"Once can be a mistake, but twice? Stop lying to me!" Kenta snapped, Yongguk tightening his grip when Kenta tried to hit him again.

"I like her, ok?! I'm sorry, I couldn't stop my feelings--"

"You could have stopped your lips! You little..." He trailed off when tears began to fill his eyes, he really couldn't believe the betrayal from his best friend. Then, he shoved Yongguk away and took one step closer to Donghan, his eyes dangerously narrowed at him; Donghan could see the fury as well as the tears in Kenta's eyes.

"Game on--"

"Kenta, I don't want to fight--"

"The fight for Abby begins now, Donghan. I'll get her in the end, trust me." He whispered, Donghan quite honestly becoming scared of his fluffball friend.

"Wow, damn." Sanggyun said from the door, laughing awkwardly along with Taehyun who stood beside him, his arms crossed over his chest.

"Shut up," Yongguk said to them before facing Kenta and Donghan again. "Dude, you should know why Kenta loves her so much and why he can hear her voice in his head."

"What do you mean?"

"Yeah, what do you mean?" Kenta wondered.

"Even you don't know and you're a werewolf? Unbelievable. Kenta, Abby is your mate. Whether she chooses Donghan or not, you'll always love her. And Donghan, you shouldn't like his mate because if you piss him off too much about it, he can rip you to shreds." Yongguk explained, Kenta looking back at Donghan who sighed loudly.

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