Chapter Eighteen

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Sanggyun ^

Chapter Eighteen~

Destiny's turquoise eyes were glued to the picture she had of Abby hanging on her hideout wall. The time she was going to attack was set and she was very excited about it; she had a secret weapon that would shock everyone.

Meanwhile, Abby and Kenta had arrived at Yongguk's family beach house in Costa Rica.

"Oh. My... GOD!" Kenta screamed, his eyes almost popping from the beauty of the swimming pool, from the height of the mansion, from all the colours!

"I know right, holy shit." Abby said, not having seen a beach house before either. She may have been rich like Yongguk, but she was never allowed to leave the house, never mind the country. "I'm crying..."

Kenta glanced at her and smiled after seeing that she was fanning her eyes.

"Don't, cuz it will start me off. What should we do first?" He wondered and Abby looked around with a pondering expression.

"Mmm... eat."

Kenta burst out laughing at the way she said it and he nodded violently. They were very hungry after the thirteen-hour flight. There wasn't much food that wasn't frozen, but they made what they could and ended up not being able to move at the end of it.

"I've never ate that much in my life." Abby said with a yawn and Kenta lazily reached for his cup of water with a groan.

"I've eaten so much that I'm tired." He said and Abby laughed with the little energy she had.

"Same... let's go to sleep." She yawned again and forced herself to get up. Kenta was very quickly falling asleep so she left him and went to find the biggest bedroom. It was all white and silver with a huge bed, fluffy black carpet and fancy furniture. Abby giggled when seeing the bedroom because it was beautiful. After that, she went back down to Kenta and teleported them up to the bedroom, where they fell asleep immediately.

The next morning, Abby went into the hot tub outside to relax herself since her cravings were growing every second she never got any blood. Kenta watched her with hearts in his eyes, his chin balancing on the palm of his hand, a smile on his face. He wanted to join her more than anything, but she was too hungry and she told him to stay inside in case she lost it. They had called Yongguk to get him to bring her blood over, but he first had to rob a blood bank with Donghan's help.

Then, the hot tub began to cool down--very quickly so Abby glanced down to see a black orb in the water and it grew bigger, turning the water black with it. Kenta couldn't see it but he didn't like how Abby looked so worried, so he rushed down the stairs to get out the door.

"Abby, are you ok?"

"Why is the water black? And it's freezing!" She told him, making him frown because the water was normal to him.

"Um... ok, just come out, come on." He reached for her hand and she climbed out with no hesitation.

"It's black, do you not see it?" She asked him as he wrapped a towel around her because she was too busy panicking to do it herself.

"No, I don't." Kenta replied, even more worried when she started shaking a little.

"What's happening?"

"I think your hunger is making you see things. Don't worry, Yongguk will be here soon." He said, rubbing her arm before taking her inside to make her something warm to drink.

Abby sat at the kitchen table, a blank look on her face as she waited for Kenta to make her whatever it was that he was making.

"There was an orb, Kenta. A black one, like the size of an apple at first, then it grew and turn the water black." She said, Kenta freezing on the spot after hearing her words.

"Shit..." He whispered, peeking behind him to see if she heard him but she had zoned out. "Aw, guys, hurry up." He said, meaning Donghan and Yongguk.

God knows how long they took, but they eventually arrived with a whole suitcase full of blood bags for Abby. That wouldn't last her two days but at least she had something to calm her cravings. After giving Abby the suitcase, Kenta took Yongguk and Donghan into the back on the kitchen so he could catch them up.

"She said she saw a black orb in the hot tub, and then the water became black when it grew." He told them, Yongguk and Donghan glancing at him with wide eyes.

"Destiny..." The two of them said in unison.

"That crazy bitch is gonna mess with her head until she decides to show herself." Donghan said. "We need everyone here. Me, you, Yongguk, Hyunbin, Taehyun and Sanggyun."

"Yeah, call them." Kenta agreed, Yongguk reaching for his phone in his back pocket.


The TV was on and Abby eyes were glued to it, her lips around a blood bag tube. It was like fizzy pop to her and it was highly addictive since she had never drunk fresh human blood. After seeing the orb, things became unclear for her. It was black and emitted the sense of danger and Abby knew she wasn't seeing things, but Kenta made her think she was just seeing things so she didn't know what to believe.

Then, she felt her feet become wet and she looked at the floor to see water, water that filled the room and went out into the corridor. It rose very quickly and she started to panic since she couldn't swim. It reached her knees and before she knew it and she started to scream when she saw shark fins sticking out of the water. There was nowhere for her to run to and the water reached her chest, her pounding her probably moving the water that much more.

Suddenly, one of the sharks snapped its jaws around Abby's ankle and dragged her into the water, stopping her scream instantly.

"Abby! It's ok, you're dreaming!" Kenta shook her violently, trying to wake her up; she shot up, her screaming stopped but she was gasping for air. After realising what happened, she started to cry because she was sick of being scared to sleep.

"Don't cry, it's ok. I'm here, we're all here." Kenta said to her, wrapping his arms around her to comfort her but she kept crying. What he said helped her, but she was now scared they would get hurt whilst trying to protect her.

Then, a feminine voice at the livingroom door sent shivers down everyone's spine even though they hadn't turned around to see who it was that had spoken. But, it was obvious who it was.

"She was supposed to drown, idiots. Why do you always ruin my plans?"

Ok I figured out some ship names.

For Kenta and Abby it will be: TaBby. My fave cuz I love cats and Tabby is a cat😁😻

For Donghan and Abby it will be: DoBby--Harry Potter anyone???

And Yongguk and Abby it will be: YoBby lmao.


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