Chapter Fifteen

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Hyunbin ^

Chapter Fifteen~

"Abigail," Mr Rose said as he strolled into the livingroom to find her watching TV. Without saying anything, Abby looked at up at him as she shoved popcorn into her mouth.

"Um... let's talk about the wedding. Since it's due in two weeks, I figured I should tell you that..." He cleared his throat nervously. "Your mother wants grandkids--"

"Excuse ME?!" She exclaimed, almost choking on the popcorn in her mouth. "Dad--"

"Sweetie, I know what your gonna say, but--"

"But, nothing! I'm not having kids at sixteen--and I am for sure, not sleeping with Yongguk! Are you forgetting this is an arranged--"

"Arranged marriages happen for many reasons, Abigail. Yours and Yongguk's is because your mother wants grandkids. If she doesn't get them soon, she'll lock you away and you know that." He said.

"... I hate both of you." She casually said and looked back at the TV, putting the tub of popcorn down because she had lost her appetite. Her father-- with his heart sinking--walked out of the livingroom with a weak sigh.

"What are you gonna do?" Kenta asked Abby after her father had walked back into the kitchen.

"... nothing, I refuse to have kids and this age--"

"You don't care about being locked away?"

"No, why should I? She'll be losing money if I become inactive."

"... that's true..." He nodded, feeling a little better. One of his worst nightmares were watching Abby be with someone else and even though the wedding wasn't chosen by them, it still meant she was out of his reach. Kenta knew he had to hurry up and confess before it was too late, but he was too shy.

"Anyway... how's Donghan?" Abby wondered, Kenta being snapped back into reality.

"Um, he's doing ok. He should be back soon."

Abby sighed softly, knowing why Donghan hadn't be around. The kiss changed everything, and as guilty as he felt, he didn't regret it. The excuse he gave Kenta was that he was sick with a specific illness only vampires could ge--which was a lie but Kenta trusted his best friend.

"... Where is he now?"

"Back at my place, why?"

"Can I go see him?" She asked, Kenta glancing at her.

"But you're a vampire. The illness--"

"I'll be careful. Just stay here, ok?"

"Um... ok." He hesitantly agreed because he was curious as to why she wanted to see him. Of course, he knew they were friends but it had been almost a week since he had become 'ill'. Why was she only asking then?

Then she teleported to Donghan after thinking about him. She ended up in a bedroom, standing in front of a door. Abby soon realised behind that door must have been the bathroom because she could hear the shower running. Instead of knocking the door to scream at Donghan, she reversed and sat on the bed closest to that door to wait.

Abby waited for exactly twenty minutes until Donghan came out of the bathroom, the only thing covering him was the towel around his waist. He gasped, stopping instantly when seeing her sitting on his bed--she glanced away from his wet abs to look at his face.

"... we'll talk after I get dressed." He spoke, knowing why she was there; she nodded in reply and he picked up his clothes from his bed and rushed back into the bathroom to get changed.

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