6. Beach - Part 2

Start from the beginning

But you don't have to put someone else through them to

Don't forget, everything that you do...

I don't know all of the things you've been through

but you don't have to put someone else through them to

don't forget, everything that you do

Comes back to you...

Mmhm, yeah, oh-oh

you are good enough..."

I stopped singing and peeked up at the boys. They were staring at me like goldfish, their mouths gaping and they all looked stunned. I felt my cheeks heat up and I sighed. Placing the beat up guitar on the ground, I stood up to leave. I didn't want their pity for my terrible voice.

"You need to audition for X-Factor while you're here." Someone said behind me. I turned back to the boys and saw everyone nodding in agreement with Louis. I raised an eyebrow and he smirked. "You have an angelic voice. Audition." He ordered. I laughed and ended up clutching my stomach from laughing too hard.

"What's funny?" Niall asked. I held up my finger and stood up straight, still giggling slightly. I wiped tears from my eyes and smiled down at the boys.

"That's funny..." I told them. I sat back down and pulled the guitar on my lap, slowly strumming a random tune. I'm pretty sure it was Pink - Dear Mr. President.

"Obviously, we were watching you laugh for five minutes." Louis grumbled. "But seriously, you audition or we split the band up." He bribed. The guys all choked on nothing and stared at him. I nearly died of shock. "I will seriously leave the band if you don't go on X-Factor, Lily." He told me. I rolled my eyes.

"Okay, go ahead. Leave the band. I'm not auditioning for X-Factor, Louis." I told him, crossing my arms over my chest and glaring.

***3 Days Later***

"I can't believe you're making me audition." I grumbled, stepping around Louis and walking into my bedroom.

"I can't believe you told us you were on holidays here." He shot back, making me sigh and click on my computer. I'd filled out all the forms and what-not and now I was set to audition... In 2 days. I would be singing in front of the world in two days... WHAT?!

"I said I'm sorry about that. I didn't want you getting your hopes up." I told him, turning around and winking at him. He rolled his eyes and sat down on my bed. "I can't believe you're making me sing Mr Know It All, though. I mean, seriously! I can sing it and all, but I'm not good at it." I complained. He rolled his eyes and glared at me.

"You're singing it and you have no choice. I'm sorry but you need to be signed to SOMEONE! You have such a talented voice, and even though we won't be able to talk to you while you're on there you need to show the world you have talent." He told me. Okay, that was swee-. Wait, what?!

"What do you mean we won't be able to talk?!" I yelled. He flinched and glared at me. "Sorry." I mumbled.

"I mean that we aren't allowed to talk to you because then you'll be famous because of us. I mean, we can call each other. Just no tweeting and no internet talking. Simple." He smiled and then started bouncing on my bed. I looked at him strangely then turned back to my computer to see if I had any e-mails.

"Hate, hate, hate... More hate... Hey a chain mail! Wait, no that's hate too..." I mumbled. Louis started laughing then stopped abruptly.

"What do you mean 'hate', Lil?" He asked. I stayed quiet and read through the oh-so-amusing death threat. It said something about cutting off my hair and skinning me alive... At least, I think it said that. They were talking like this;

'Ima cu+ ur stopid 3xtensions of and br3ak ur ratty fckin neck, u whre!'

Does that make sense to you? Yeah, me neither... Maybe they were saying something nice? Hell, they probably were! Note the sarcasm people... "Lily! What do you mean by hate?!" Louis yelled.

"Chill Louis. Just some jealous peop-. Oh my God! An actual e-mail from someone nice... Wait, that's Harry. How'd he get my e-mail?" I wondered out loud. I had some definite problems. Louis started ranting about how I should have told him and eventually I threw a pen over my shoulder in his direction, hoping to shut him up. It worked.

Eventually I got up off the chair, but had the misfortune of clipping my ankle on the desk. I hissed in pain as my cut up ankle throbbed in protest. Louis quickly pulled me onto his lap and lifted up the pant leg of my trackies. He took a quick look to make sure none of the cuts had re-opened then dropped the pants back down. "I'm here now, remember?" He whispered, kissing my forehead.

I think he'd noticed how alone I felt.

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