Dawn of a New Era

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Lillibet let the young Jedi gently down. She had carried him from the cliff because as it turned out, his eyes and his mind were the only things he could still used. Over the impact with a sharp rock as he fell down, his spine broke. He didn't make any sounds, his face wasn't tainted in any way. Anyone would have fallen for his act and believed he was fine. But Lillibet could hear his thoughts, feel his feelings. The pain was unabearable. And it travelled from his body to hers even if she didn't mean to. 

She wanted to kill him. The thought of pushing him off the cliff too, didn't just cross her mind. It tormented her. Sure, Kylo would have sliced him in half if he hadn't first. But that didn't mean her blood didn't boil of hatred as she touched him, lifted him up and walked him to the Rebel base. He was so helpless, couldn't even move. If she just dropped him, he would die, and no one would know. But that wouldn't make her any better than him. 

Everyone gathered around. General Dameron took him in his arms again and ran away, trying to get help. It was a good thing her clothes were black, because the blood they had sucked would make anyone faint. But she still could feel it; it was warm and cold at the same time, as it soaked through the clothes and tickled her bare skin. It drove her crazy. Everything was over, there was peace. That's what she had thought just about an hour ago. Was that what peace was like?


She twitched and looked at Hux. He was running to her side, a look in his face similar to the one he had when he saw her after the battle on Pamarthe. He fell upon her with force, crushing her, holding her so tightly she could barely breathe. It only made her feel better.

 Her fingers ran through his hair. "My love..." she sobbed. At the sound of that, Hux held her with even more strength, slightly raising her from the ground. "Kylo is..." 

She didn't have the strength to say what happened to him. Not yet. But she didn't have to. Hux was more than the man she loved; he was her other half. Anything she thought, he knew. Everything she felt, he received. 

"It's alright now..." he whispered, caressing her head. "It's okay." 

The smell of him calmed her down like nothing ever could. She fell deeper into his arms, wishing for the moment to last forever. That was all she cared about, that was all she wanted in her life; to hold Hux like that, feel his hands on her back,  hear his beautiful voice reassuring her that everything is going to be fine. Even if that weren't true, all she cared was that he believed it. 

Soon, everything and everyone was loaded on the spacecrafts and transferred to their ship, waiting for them right outside Zastiga's atmosphere. Everything that was left from the Resistance, from the First Order, was on that ship. And despite what people might had thought would happen if that moment ever came, there weren't any conflicts. They officially had lost too much on that War. No one had the stomach for more.

The few Rebels that were still alive, including the young Jedi, were sent in exile. And once that was settled, the First Order started trying to pull itself together, get back on the schedule of ruling the Galaxy. It was hard. Because they had never seen warless times before. And because they didn't have a Supreme Leader, a ruler. Hux was the one giving all the orders and deciding on things. He was, after all, the General. The person higher in hierarchy, above and the boss of everyone. Except Lillibet. She didn't fall anywhere near that scale. She was her own boss; everyone listened to her, carried out her demands, not so much so because they had to. It just felt right.

And so, the day came, that the coverage of the position was finally discussed. The discussion was short. And indubitable. 

"The Supreme Leader..." Lillibet mumbled when she heard the news, trying to believe it. 

Hux was standing right next to the throne, looking at it. Her voice made him turn around, and the sight of her made him smile. HIs love for her was axiomatic. After the termination of the war, she was all he cared about, all he thought about. There was peace in their relationship, in their hearts, and there was peace in the world. 

"Well... We can make it Leaders," Hux raised his eyebrows. "Will you rule the Galaxy with me... Elisabeth?"

Lillibet walked to his arms, hugging him. The proposal didn't surprise her all that much. It would be more surprising if he hadn't asked her that. 

"Am I just going to be your crown to show off, or will I actually do anything?" she laughed. "Armitage?"

"You know I will do anything you ask me to. So, basically, you will rule the Galaxy yourself."

She smiled, looking at him with pride and happiness. Then her eyes flashed wide open. "I want to bring my mother here with me."

That was a little surprising for Hux, but he understood immediately. "Of course. No question about it."

Lillibet raised her arms, necking his body, until she wrapped them around his shoulders. It was all over now. And that made her breathe a little better, her muscles relax a little more. His hug a little more expiatory. There needn't be a hint of fear or doubt inside her while she was in his arms anymore. And when she kissed him, slowly, deeply, she knew she had reached euphoria.

She pulled away before they both got too engaged to stop.

"We will be fair."

"Yes." His eyes were filled with love.

"And kind"

"Anything you want." He kissed her again, this time not giving her any space to pull away. And then they both sat on the throne together.

And so their whole dynamic, from the day the met, to the night they became rulers, passed on to the rest of the world. They feared them; the greatest General of War, and the strongest Force user in the Galaxy! But they also loved them. Because they were indeed kind and fair and brought peace. Just like fear and love had always been mixed in their feelings for each other.

The world saw some of its best years during their dynasty. Because great things blossom under the warmth of love. 

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