...in a galaxy far, far away

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Lillibet started regaining her consciousness, but she didn't open her eyes yet. Her mind was in a state of both sleeping and awake, and she loved that state. So much so, she had completely forgotten what had happened, and just wished to enjoy it the longest she could. But even if she decided to fully wake up, she doubted she would be able to sit up. Her head felt way too heavy for that. It was a headache like no other.

She heard footsteps right outside the door of the room she was in. She imagined it was her mother, coming to wake her up for school. Just the thought of it made her sick. She was just done- done with school, and studying, and all of it. She was an adult now. She shouldn't have to be waken up by her mother to go to school any more. That was ridiculous.

No one entered though. A question crossed her weary mind. Why hasn't her alarm gone off? She opened her eyes to see. Instead, she just got very disoriented. She was supposed to be looking at her night table. Instead, she was facing a grey wall. She looked up, then down, and then finally rolled to see the other side. She wasn't in her room. That was just a grey, narrow room with nothing in it. A heavy, iron door sealed the suffocating space. She glanced down again. She wasn't even in a bed. That was just a ledge of the wall.

Panic started consuming her. Now it was even more impossible to think straight. To remember. She jumped up and walked to the middle. The whole left wall was covered in some black wallpaper. But then she blinked a couple of times, and realized it wasn't exactly black. No... It had lots and lots of stars on it. In fact, that wasn't even a wallpaper. That was space!

She stepped back, horrified to the thought of just some piece of glass separating her from her death. Looking into the emptiness didn't feel half as nice she thought it would. 

The heavy door unlocked before she had time to freak out even more. It opened, and a man walked in. It only took a split second for her to look at his ginger hair combed back to remember him. Had he kidnapped her? In space?

"Ah," he simply said. His arms were hidden behind his back, his posture straight. He took a couple of steps towards her, but still kept his distance. "I see you are awake."

Two other people dressed in white and black armor that cover every inch of them walked in and stood by the door, holding some weird guns. Somehow, they didn't scare her.

For a moment, she was torn between all the questions she needed to ask. But did her best not to show it.

"Where are we?" she asked casually. The man glanced at the floor, rose to his tip toes just a tiny bit, and fell back down on his hills.

"How much do you know about parallel universes?" he asked.

Suddenly, Lillibet's eyes widened. Her right arm rushed to point to the armed people standing by the door.

"Wait, I know you!" she shouted. There was something too familiar about them, that's why she wasn't scared. Apparently she got too close, because they took defense, pointing their guns at her. "Yes...yes," she mumbled, not even flinching. "You are from one of those space movies that my friend keeps telling me to watch." A short laugh escaped her mouth as she turned around to see the man in black, and the window. "Is this some kind of a prank? Did she put you into this?"

The man sighed, his eyes turning to the ceiling. "Do you know what a parallel universe is?" he said more sternly. Lillibet frowned.

"Yes... I think. But it's just a theory, isn't it?"

"Well, no. This, right here, is not your universe. This is a parallel one."

She just laughed. "Shut up."

The man didn't appreciate her reaction all that much. "It's true. More specifically, it's the one that, in your universe, only exists as a fictional world. The movies you're referring to are called "Star Wars", aren't they?"

Lillibet - A Star Wars storyWhere stories live. Discover now