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I woke up feeling warm and continued to snuggle into whatever was holding on tight to me. But then I remembered that I'm still being held against my will at Taehyung's house. My eyes shot open and saw he was sleeping soundly with his face in the crook of my neck. I'm scared that if I make a move he'll harm me again. I tried my best to stay still but I felt a certain rush of pressure indicating me I have to pee. So I carefully shook him "Taehyung please I have to go pee" I explained

He groaned and slowly released his grip and let me slip out. But as soon as I stood up I face planted on the floor. My ankle was fucked up from that bear trap I got into. How the hell did I forget about that?! Actually my whole body was throbbing thanks to Taehyung! I used the wall for support and hopped the rest of the way to the bathroom. Taehyung then raised up and stretched, not even caring about putting a shirt on. I quickly closed the door and did my business and washed my hands. And of course he came in the door without even knocking. My eyes trailed down to his thick morning wood.

"You love what you see?" He teased

I quickly turned my head and grabbed the toothpaste "N-no I was just caught off guard!" I felt myself blushing. What the hell no! You have to figure out how to get out of here not think about his dick! I grabbed a new toothbrush and opened it up but when I looked in the mirror Taehyung took his dick out and starting doing his business! I quickly covered my eyes "I'm sorry but what are you doing?!" I shouted

"Well you see your in my house and you're mine! Soon enough you'll get my dick inside of you but first I have to tame your ass." He chuckled darkly sending shivers down my spine. I don't like the sound of that at all I can barely stand up as it is! Just what the fuck does he want from me?! I was going to put him in his place but flashbacks of what happened yesterday flooded my mind so I quickly shut my damn mouth. I was started to get scared again. His phone dinged in his pocket as he fixed himself "Excuse me" I moved to the side and started brushing my teeth. He washed his hands and dried them. "Stay here" He said with that same dark tone. I quickly nodded and continued brushing my teeth. He watch him as he left the room. I was seriously thinking about running for it but he's stronger and faster than me. I finished up and peeked out the room. There was no sign of him so I creeped down the stairs until I heard him and another guy talking I tried to run back up the stairs but my legs failed me and I tumbled down the stairs until I hit the marble floor.

"Oh so this is her?" I came face to face with a boy with a bright smile.

"Yes, and I thought I told you to stay in the room" he said balling his fist

"Let her live for fuck's sakes, She didn't try to run away while you went to meet me outside did she?" The boy said
Well I was about to but then I heard your guys voices. And I panicked and ended up tumbling down the stairs which caused me more painful throbbing in my whole body.

He looked at him and then me. "I guess she didn't but how do I know you weren't going to break your promise?!"

"I wasn't Taehyung I swear! I was just going to find a snack or something and my legs gave out on me so I tumbled down here please I swear I wasn't trying to leave!" I said panicking, my tears threatened to spill out any moment.

He stayed silent for a moment "Fine but even if you did leave I'll hurt you worse than I do already" he laughed pulling me up roughly and throwing me on the couch. I sat up and stayed still. He's unpredictable so and no doubt he'll hurt me at any moment. So I have to be strong until I do get a chance to leave. But even so can I really hold out for that long? I don't know if I can. My body snapped me out of my thoughts as a rush of pain surged through it.

Taehyung walked over to me and yanked me off the couch. "What's wrong with you now? I haven't even punished you yet, yet here you are crying in pain. Can my kitten really not handle the pain I throw at her?" He smiled wickedly but I didn't reply I just focused on trying to scream out in pain. He didn't like my lack of response so he twisted my arm causing me to scream out everything I was holding. He seemed satisfied at my agonizing pain and so he watched me as my tears fell and he was trying to hit me but the boy held his fist stopping him for doing so.

"What the hell Hoseok?!" He snarled

"Stop this Taehyung! I can't stand back I let you hurt her! She didn't even ask to come here you just took her just to treat her like a punching bag for your psycho ass!" Hoseok shouted. Taehyung was going to hurt him I know it. But he didn't he let me go and stomped upstairs.

"If you want to leave Kaina Then leave goddamn it! Go get the fuck out!" He yelled

I didn't even waste a second and I was limping to the door. Hoseok helping me and leading me to his car. I was scared though wasn't he just going to find me?! What if he goes after my family and friends?! I can't have that especially because of me

"Wait, take me back into the house please" I said

"Are you sure?! You do know he'll keep hurting you right?" He asked like I was crazy

"Yes but... He can possibly come after my family and friends. I don't want them in danger so I'm willing to get hurt everyday if it means they won't be hurt." I sighed, I'm really fucking stupid for staying...

"Ok then I'll take you back inside" He took me out the back and carried me into the house. 
I saw Taehyung sitting out in the garden staring at nothing in particular. Just the morning sun I guess. I took a deep breath and went outside where he was sitting.

"What are you looking at Taehyung?" I question carefully sitting down next to him.

He turned at looked at me he looked perplexed at my presence. "What the hell?! Didn't I tell you to leave?!" He grabbed me by my neck and started choking me. But he quickly stopped "why didn't you leave me? Why didn't you break your promise to me and just leave?!" He had tears running down his cheeks. Out of reflex I hugged him. He stiffened at my touch but he hugged me back. I remember I told him I wouldn't leave and that I would try to help him get better.

He started to chuckle and he got up. His eyes were dark and danger radiates off of him. I just realized he dyed his hair grey it suited him nicely with those dark eyes of his. I regretted not leaving now. I'm stupid as hell, I knew I couldn't handle this but I stayed.

"Wow you actually fell for it I wasn't even sad or hurt. You made a mistake coming back here now you'll never escape me from." He laughed like a manic "You make me feel things I never felt before about a woman Kai, I'm drawn to you. I'll never let you leave me, ever" he pushed on the ground and began kissing me. He wanted entry but I denied so he put his hand on my boob causing me to gasp. He used that to slip his tongue into my mouth, our tongues were fighting for dominance but of course he won. He was exploring every inch of my mouth. I tried not to but I couldn't stop the moan that came out. Why didn't It feel repulsive?

He pulled away panting "Mine" he whispered. I couldn't even reply I was panting and my heart felt like I was about to burst open any minute.

"Get up we have somewhere to be" he pulled me up. He walked me to his room. "Get dressed in that and you got 15 minutes to do so or" he pulled out a knife with that wicked smile of his making me scared so I nodded, as soon as he left I took off my clothing and put on the blue dress that covered my arms but it had a slit on the right leg showing my bandage leg although it kind of in a way looked normal? I just want to know where the hell he's taking me now. But I know he doesn't want me asking any questions and I don't want to get hurt anymore than I did today. For fuck's sake I can barely stand because of all my cuts and the pain rushes into me. He came in the room and handed me pills. I took them but I refuse to take one for all I know he could drug me and do more shit to me.

"Take them or I'll make you take them!" He shouted stalking closer to me. I shook my head and he pushed me against the wall and forced the pill in my mouth. "Swallow it now" he threatened put the knife on my neck so I swallowed it. "See that wasn't so hard now was it?" He smirked pulling away. I only kept my eyes on my feet. He slapped me gently and walked out the room.

"What should I do now?" I whispered softly I slid down to the floor and brought my knees to my chest.

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