three / behind bars

Start from the beginning

now here she is, utterly homeless, in a jail cell with six complete strangers. a year ago her rich daddy would've fixed this mess. but that is in the past. she no longer has that service. she no longer even has a home. she no longer even has her dreams. it all has gradually gone away, everything, including her hope. then she met taehyung. she sees a spark of hope now. she's not relying on that though. last time she believed in her hope and she got her hopes up, her heart was broken. now her guard is up, and the second she sees a red flag, she is fleeing.

she planned it all out already, just incase. she'll hitchhike her way to stanford university, to find her brother, whom she hasn't seen in two years. it's a hit or miss but she has nowhere else to go, she lost everything after the past events that took place almost a year ago now. thinking about it all still hurts, it's still such a fresh wound. sleeping on random people's couches and dealing drugs for money has been her way of life.

she even got desperate, from starvation, having not eaten for seven days one time, that she gave herself away to a man with money. it was her money for food and cigarettes for the next month. then she deals, and even gave a few handjobs for a few extra dollars. every innocent fiber in her being had been stripped from her and she didn't care about love, she was just trying to survive. when she looks at people like taehyung and his friends, she sees a genuineness behind every single one of them.

she sees a kindness in them that she hasn't seen in people for a long time. maybe not ever. all of her friends were fake. everyone in her life up to this point has been shitty, besides dahmer. even though she sees that all of these boys have hearts, she is still cautious, as always. her mind races as she just stares ahead, face blank and emotionless. she glances up at taehyung who has a smile on his face, looking forward. she looks over at the other boys and they are all starting to stand up and relief has flooded over all of them. confused, manson looks the direction of their stares, on the other side of the bars.

there she sees another boy standing there with an irritated face, holding onto a blonde chicks shoulder. she seems to be wearing expensive clothing and she also looked annoyed. this girl looks exactly like the type of person manson would not get along with. she just chuckles to herself and starts to get up, but taehyung hurries to her and helps her up. "thank you, tae." she nods to him with a half-smile.

the cop that has been sitting at the desk directly in front of them for however long they've been there, gets up and fumbles with his keys. he staggers up to the cell and takes his time as he finds the key and slowly puts it in the lock. the seven people crowded around the entrance, like eager children, waiting for the obese man to open the door. taehyung seemed especially excited to get out of the small space.

there was a click sound that was made as he turned the key in the lock and the man swung the door open. he stepped to the side so all of the kids can run out. "all of you are free to go, except the fella of the name min yoongi. you have to sign a few papers and the front desk with have your parole officer waiting for you." he states, looking at the grumpy man.

yoongi just nods, not daring to say any words. once the wild group exits the cell, the police officer closes the door and locks it again. he sits back in his chair and goes back to reading some magazine. manson rolls her eyes at the lazy demeanor the "pig" upholds. jin let go of the girl and walked up to yoongi, utterly furious.

"what the fuck, yoongi? you already have one d.u.i, and here you go fucking it up again." he spits, crossing his arms. hoseok moves forward a little with his head down in a guilty manner. "actually hyung, yoongi didn't do anything wrong. as a group, especially me, distracted him from the road. we were very immature, i'm sorry jin." hoseok sighs in defeat. jimin puts his hand on hoseok's shoulder and nods, agreeing with him.

jin looks at them, trying to decide how to handle the situation. "okay, but he still sped with alcohol in his system. there is no excuse for that. but thank you guys for owning up to your mistakes. now, all of you are going to go home. half of you will drive with melissa and i, and the other half, i'm calling you an uber." jin says, his attitude more calm now.

"also, who is she?" jin asks as he moves back to melissa, putting his arms around her again. all eyes divert to manson. she opens her mouth to speak but taehyung beats her to it. "she's my friend, manson. she's gonna come stay at the house with us for a bit." he says proudly. it is obvious that he is intimidated by jin and is trying to outwit his insecurities.

"hmm, is that so?" jin says, lowering his eyes at manson, and taking in all that he sees. manson now understands why taehyung would be intimidated by him. jin's gaze is like fire. it felt impossible not to feel intimidated by him. melissa study's her outfit and laughs. "are you goth or something, darling? you look a-mess." she haughtily remarks. manson was used to ignorant people like her so she threw her a bitter smile.

"i wear what i want, and what i feel best matches my personality. if i was to judge what you wear as matching to your personality, i'd say you're going for fake blonde bimbo. that would have to mean that you even had a personality to start with though. but to answer your question, i guess i'd be goth." manson says, still withholding her smirk. melissa's face falters and she glares at manson.

all of the boys stare at manson is amusement and shock, minus jin who already was iffy about that girl. he was enraged. he didn't want her around taehyung.   he gave manson a death stare and he turned around, melissa following his suite. "taehyung, manson, and hoseok, you three are coming with me. the rest of you will take the uber." he said, and left the room. taehyung knew that he should be worried. he looked at manson and sighed, if she'd just been quiet, this wouldn't be a problem.

yoongi left the room with a huff and made his way to the main office, jimin followed him. namjoon and jungkook gave worried stares to hoseok, taehyung, and manson. "good luck." jungkook grinned at manson and they left the room. manson turned toward taehyung and hoseok. "shit." she muttered and rubbed her eyes.

"manson, i don't think hyung likes you." hoseok said sadly. taehyung and manson glare at him, since it was obvious. "what are we gonna do, tae?" she asks him with tired eyes. he meets her gaze and thinks for a second. "i don't know, but i'm not just gonna let you live on the street. i promise that if this doesn't work out, you and i will find somewhere to live."

idk why i try lmaooo

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2018 ⏰

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