Her right eye was as green as emerald but left eye looked like it was borrowed from a dragon. Rather than having a rounded pupil, her pupil was more like a slit. It bore a reddish gold colour and there was an unmistakeable rage embedded in it, like an infuriated beast even though she was smiling.

"The time has come for everyone of you to pay the price for 'the ultimate betrayal'". She said with a surprisingly sonorous price.

From the corner of my eyes I saw elder Gaius make a fast move. Whether he had used magic or not wasn't clear but soon a very fast spear was approaching Melissa. Just as it was about to reach her chest it remained still in the air. "tsk! tsk! tsk! " she did as she waved a finger in front of her face.
"What a foolish move that was dear warlock . You underestimate me. Surely, you only learn your lesson in death "

She hit the tip of the arrow slightly and slowly we watched as it turned backwards towards elder Gaius who already balled his fist ready to counter what she was about to do with magic. Soon the arrow moved with full speed but I couldn't watch what was about to happen and so I closed my eyes out of impulse.

As I closed my eyes to not witness what felt like a nightmare, it was like time stood still trying to witness this painful scenario that I knew I would eventually open my eyes to see. "no! no! no! no!.... " I heard elder Gaius yell and there was a loud gasp from everyone. I felt Rosa drop to the floor beside me .

I opened my eyes and saw elder Gaius with a sword running towards Melissa, he was infuriated and extremely sad all at once. I looked to the corner and that was when it became clear to me what had happened. I saw as Ash pulled out the arrow from the chest of his mother who was now laid on the floor. He was trying to keep her in a conscious state as he tore his shirt off to try to stop the bleeding of his mother that seemed to be all over him. His effort was sadly ineffectual as blood was still gushing out from the wound on her chest.

Rosa whom I hadn't notice left the floor beside me was already with Ash trying to keep their mom conscious. I watched as Melissa shifted from side to side dodging as elder Gaius was swinging his sword incessantly. The once terrifying Gaius had become like an helpless child crying and swearing as he tried to cut Melissa with his sword. Melissa only aggravated his anger by laughing in his face like an evil maniac and telling him how much of a weakling he had become.

"Enough, with that you two" said an unknown voice that came from the centre of the room. We all shifted our eyes to see a very beautiful but terrifying woman standing in the centre of the room. Her hair that seemed to be more golden than blonde dropped in loose curls around her waist. Her eyes were as blue as a beautiful sky in paradise. There was no mistaking the fact that she was more than a witch, power seemed to be her aura.

Everyone of us in the room went down on our knees to bow to the powerful creature before us but Melissa and Gaius seemed to be engrossed in their weak attempt of a sword fight. "I said enough! " and just as she said it, she sent both Gaius and Melissa crashing against a wall.

After realizing themselves, Melissa bowed just like the rest of us "Your honour, that man doesn't deserve to breathe " Melissa said pointing to Gaius who was crawling over to his already unconscious wife. Ignoring Melissa she turned to the rest of us " I'm in no need of anyone of you in this room and I thought it would be a fine punishment if I should destroy the whole bunch of you for your infidelity but " her eyes shifted to focus on just one person in the room.

"Persephone, bringer of spring please save us from... " a young warlock was praying not too far from me but unfortunately he was heard.

"How dare you pray to Persephone when you should be worshipping me? " she said to him and before he could plead for mercy bony hands came from the wall behind him and drag him along and just like that he was out of sight. Everyone who was close to where it happened ran from that part of the room but still the we were all quiet for fear of our lives.

From where I stood pressed to a corner by the hundreds of witches that now made the large look a lot smaller and suffocating, I quiver in fear as I realized who it was that was standing before us. I knew that it was only a matter of time before she showed up but where on earth was Persephone or the other gods and goddesses whom these witches once looked up to for protection. Even Gaius had placed great faith in Persephone.

"Just as I was saying," she continued "I'm going to give you one more chance, it will be a chance to redeem yourselves and an opportunity to worship at my feet again. Just as it was before you turned to the other gods for help "

"What must we do to merit this second chance you so speak about? " this question was asked by an old man who I had never seen before now. He was the only one of us in the room who looked fearless, his countenance was emotionless.

"Fine question, Merlin." with just the snap of her fingers ,a fiery flame formed a fence around her. " You must bring me the child of prophecy, only then will I take you back as my children. You have just until the eve of spring to do so...." the flames around her grew higher with wind rushing into the room. Soon Melissa was with her inside her circle of fiery flame. "If you fail , I promise that spring is going to be a Dawn without witches and warlock" just as she said it, she disappeared with Melissa and the circle of wire was no more.

I awoke and jerked up from my bed running towards the mirror to examine if I was still myself. All my features were the same apart from my eyes that seemed brighter than usual but I didn't let that bother me. I heaved my breathe and convinced myself that it was all a nightmare. Just as I decided to go back to bed feeling unusually exhausted, I heard a loud bang on the front door.

DAWN. जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें