The Spirit Giver

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 2 months later

Z: Amara we can do the project now. 

A: Alright lets get on with it. Zane straps Amara down on the metal sheet. 

Z: Okay Amara We only know one thing that will happen to you. Your mind will transport to another world and that's all we know. 

A:Okay do it. Zane presses the button. Where am I? Hello. Huh Ohh Hello Who are you. 

SG: I am the Spirit Giver. 

A:Umm Hi my name's Amara. Where am I. 

SG: You are in the spirit world. 

A:The what world. 

SG: The spirit world the place that we mix your emotions with physical forms. And poof theres a spirit. 

A:And what do you do. 

SG: I'm the one who mixes your emotions to a body and form of magic it will match with. 


SG: You will have 7 different spirits. 


SG: Don't worry its not that bad as you think. 

A:Thank God. 

SG: The names will be Angela, Them, The Other One, Murcury, Amia, and You. 

A:Wait i'm a spirit. 

SG: No your a spirit owner. 

A:Oh that makes sense. 

SG: You will see all of the Spirits when they want to show you themselves, but you can hear all of them no matter what. 

A:What will happen when I wake up? 

SG: You will go back to your world. 

A: Can I tell them about this? 

SG: Yes, but you may not tell them my name. 


SG: Cause they will send you back countless of times and They will tell you to get more and more information about me. 

A:What should I say if they ask for your name. 

SG: Say You forgot. Okay I will send you back the second they stop the machine. 

A:Ok- Wait how did you know.

SG: I can read your thoughts. 

A:Oh What will my spirits be like. 

SG: You will find out when you meet all of them. 

A:Can you tell what types they are. 

SG: Angela is a dark and gruesome spirit. Them is a Shy, kind, and courageous spirit. The Other One is a depressed spirit and the child of them. Murcury is a seductive and flirty spirit. Amia is a lustful and always horny spirit. You are a spirit keeper a strong, independent, smart, beautiful, spirit keeper. 

A:So you think i'm beautiful. Amara winks at the spirit keeper.  

SG: Uhhhhh I'm sending you back.

A:Don't yo- Fuckkkkkkkkkkkk My eye hurts like hell. 

Z: Yeah it will for a while. So what happened. 

A:I was given spirits and there names are- actually nevermind. *Them made Amara change her mind*. 

Z: Awww come on Amara tell me please. 

A:Zane I said no. You of all people should know what no means. 

Z: Fine. Hmmp Meany. *You hear a voice tell you to kick him*. What  No. 

Z: I didn't say anything? 

A:Shut up I wasn't talking to you. 

Z: Okayyyyyy?

L: Are u okay Amara.

A:Y-Yeah I'm fine don't worry about me. 

L: Okay well I will see you in the lab later. 

The Story of Project 707Where stories live. Discover now