His Parent's

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A: *You wake up with Aaron dead asleep beside you. You giggle. You sit up and walk over to the curtains and open the blinds. Aaron grunts and rolls over. You giggle and walk to his side of the bed.* Wake up sleepy head~

Aa: Ugh Noooooo

A: *You push him out of the bed and he falls on the floor.* Heh heh heh

Aa: Fineeee I'm up

A: *He stands up and you go into the bathroom.*

Aarons perspective

Aa: *You hear the shower turn on and and soft singing. You crack open the door and hear a beautiful song.*

Aa: *You realize that she's crying. What do I do I want to help her but she's taking a shower. Her crying stops and she begins to laugh and she turns off the water. She probably got soap in her eye or something.* Babe are you Okay?

A: Yeah I'm fine. I just got soap in my eye.

Aa: *Knew it*

Amaras perspective

A: *You turn off the water and dry off. You realize you don't have anything to change into. WHAT DO I DO NOW. * A-Aaron

Aa: Yeah babe?

A: Can you go get Melissa.

Aa: Sure Babe

A: *You hear the door click. 2 minutes pass and the door clicks again.*

M: What do you need Amara?

A: Can you come in here.

M: Sure thing. What is it?

A: I don't have anything to wear.

M: Dress or jeans?

A: Jeans

M: Okay Dress it is

A: But I said-

M: Trick question


Aa: What's going on?

M: She doesn't have anything to wear.

Aa: Oh

A: *You hear Melissa leave and come back. She walks in with a pretty dress.*

A: Melissaaaa

M: I know, I know, butttt Aaron would probably faint at your sexyniess.


M: What?

A: Go away Melissa

M: Heh heh heh Okayyy

A: Melissa?




A:* Melissa runs out of the room and you finish getting dressed. You walk towards the door and stop. You hear a gentle guitar.*

A: * Is that Aaron? You walk in. He doesn't notice you. Aaron plays the beautiful song. You begin to tear up. It's so beautiful.* Aaron? *He jerks and stops playing. His face shoots up a bright red.*

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