A Beautiful Night

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By the Way this will be a short, but Amazing chapter.

A: A-Aaron?

Aa: Yeah Babe?

A: What are we gonna do.

Aa: What do you mean?

A: Well we have been dating for a long time. (By the way they have know each other for about 16-17 years.)

Aa: Yeah we have.

A: What's next.

Aa: Marriage, pups, deaths, one of those.

A: M-Marriage!

Aa: Yeah?

A: *Aaron gets up and grabs a cup off the nightstand. He looks at you and smiles.* What?

Aa: Let's go somewhere.

A: But it's 12:30

Aa: I know.

A: Okay *You both leave the room and go to the front yard. You and Aaron get in the Car. aaron hands you a blindfold.* What's this for?

Aa: Just put it on.

A: *You put on the Blindfold.* Where are we going?

Aa: You'll see.

A: Okay *Around 20 minutes pass as you feel the car come to a slow stop.* Where are we going?

Aa: You'll see.

A: Aaron you know that I don't like surprises.

Aa: You'll like this one.

A: I only have one thing in mind I want to see.

Aa: And what is that.

A: You'll see.

Aa: Woooooooow.

A: Heh heh heh

Aa: Okay you can take off the blindfold now.

A: *You start to take off the blindfold. Your super surprised by what you see.*

A: I-It's Beautiful.

Aa: Not as beautiful as you.

A: Oh stop you.

Aa: I'm serious.

A: A-Aaron? *Before you can do anything Aaron gently, but swiftly grabs yours hands. *Aaron?

Aa: Look Amara We've been together for a really long time.

A: A-Aaron, n-no don't do this.

Aa: I love you, and watching that guy scare you and try to get close to you, I-It hurt. And I don't ever want to have to see that again. I don't want anyone to take you away from me. I love you and I never want to lose you. So. . .

A: *Aaron gets down on his knee and puts his hand in his pocket.* Aaron you don't want to do this. First I'm not even a real human being, Second I'm drink out of the milk carton, I don't clean my room, and I- *Before you can say anything else Aaron gets up and pulls you close and kisses your lips. He stops kissing you and holds onto your small hands.*

Aa: I don't care if your a lab experiment, and your not the only one who drinks out of the milk carton, I love you for who you are Amara, Your my beautiful girlfriend, and I want us to be more than girlfriend and boyfriend. So please. . .

A: *Aaron once again gets down on one knee and puts his hand in his pocket. He brings out the beautiful purple ring box. He opens it and both yours and his ears and tail pop out. He looks deeply in your eyes and says. . .*

Aa: Will you marry me?

A: . . . yes.

Aa: What did you say I couldn't he-

A: YES, A THOUSAND TIMES YES. *Aaron quickly stands up and you run and jump into his arms. You could stay in this position for ever. He asked, HE ASKED. You both get in his car to go tell everyone the good news. He's yours. And your his. Forever.*

Aa: W-Who do you want to tell first?

A: Your parents.


A: The sooner we do it the quicker we can get it over with.

Aa: O-Okay.

A: *You pull up in the driveway of Aaron's Parent's house. Aaron grabs your hand and you both take a deep breathe and enter the house.*

Aa: Hey Dad and Mom can you come here.

D & M: Where coming.

A: *You watch as Derek and Michela walk down stairs.*

D: You had something to tell us?

A: *Aaron grabs your arm. You lift up your hand and show them the ring. You lightly blush as Michela starts to fangirl and shake Derek's arm. Derek walks over to Aaron and pats him on the back. Michela starts talking/fangirling to you about dresses and the wedding. You blush and talk as well.*

D: Wow Son. I didn't think you had the guts to ask her.

Aa: *You and dad watch as Michela fangirls with Amara. There so cute.* Yeah.

D: Well what about mating season what are you gonna do.

Aa: Well I'll stick with your plan and after I plan to get married with her next month.

D: I hope this goes well.

Aa: Me too.

A: Aaron.

Aa: Yeah Babe.

A: We gotta tell Zane.

Aa: What about the rest of my-

D: I'll call them all and update them on what's going on. You chose the right girl Aaron. You chose right.

Aa: I know.

A: Lets go. *You kiss Aarons cheek. And you both head out the door and get back in the car. You both drive over to Your house/Lab.* Ahhhh Let's go!! *You enter the house. You see Zane standing at the counter. Making Cupcakes?*

Aa: Zane?

A: *Zane throws up the whisk in surprise. Zane can cook?* You can cook.

Z: I didn't think you would be back. And no I bake.

Aa: What are you making?

Z: Just some cupcakes. I don't know why, but today I felt that It was a special day.

A: Well you guessed right. * You run over and show Zane the ring.*

Z: W-Wow that's beautiful.

A: He asked.


Aa: I asked.


Aa: Well I have to stay the night at my parent's house so I will see you tomorrow babe. I love you.

A: *Aaron walks over and kisses you on the cheek.* Bye Aaron.

Aa: Bye. (I forgot to tell you guys this, but Aaron uses Jason as a fake name to protect his Identity. Just to let you all know.)

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