Basic Lessons

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Aa: So what do you want to learn first? *I know she's gonna say ramen.*


Aa: Okay well let's finish up with some decorations or something like that.

R:Well we're gonna start heading out.

A: Oh don't forget this. *You hand him the 60,000 dollars, but he just pushes the money back into your hands.* What?

R: Keep it. We had fun.

A: No take it. You didn't have to come help me but you did. So this is my thanks.

R: Thank you.

A: *The boys leave. Aaron puts roses in a vase and sets them in the center of the table. He looks at you and smiles.*

Aa: So you ready to learn.

A: Wait NOW

Aa: Yeah why not?.

A: Okay

Aa: Okay First get 2 pots, a strainer, some ginger, some soy sauce, some garlic, some sesame oil, some chicken stock powder, some noodles, 2 eggs, green onions, Chashu, some negi, oh and some bowls and chopsticks.

A: Okay * You grab some of the stuff and set it on the table; you turn around and go grab some more of it. Your foot catches the carpet. You fall onto Aaron.*

Aa: Hey don't be falling for me again.

A: Aaron.

Aa: What?

A: I can't fall in love again when I'm still in love. *He smirks and kisses your cheek. It isn't effective. You pick up the stuff you dropped. He gets down and starts to help.* Okay what's next alpha. * Aaron drops what he was holding.*

Aa: *D-Did she just call me alpha!!!! That's like calling me daddy. I wonder if she realizes that.* B-Babe.

A: Yeah

Aa: Y-You AHEM You do realize what you just called me right?!

A: No what? *What does he mean what I just called him? What did I say?*

Aa: You just called me alpha.

A: *Your face lights up red. D-Did I do something wrong. Does he not want me to call him that.* D-Did I do something wrong?!

Aa: N-No It's just- Nevermind

A: Okay well what's the next step.

Aa: Well next we need t-

A: *You lean towards his ear* Alpha~


A: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA YOU GET SO FLUSTERED!! I'm gonna keep calling you Alpha just so I can see your reaction.!!! HAHHAHAHHAHAHHA


A: Heh heh heh

Aa: Fine

A: *Aaron walks toward you. You back up into the wall. He moves your hair and tucks it behind your ear. He leans towards your ear.* A-Aaron

Aa: I love you~


Aa: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Who's the flustered one now.


Aa: Anyways Let's continue. Now put water into the pots.

A: Okay. *You pick up the pots. You turn on the sink and fill both pots half way. You put them on the stove. You turn it to 5.* What's next.

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