Aaron's House

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Aa: What's wrong?


Aa: Your just shocked that your staying the night at my house.


Aa: Well you can sleep with me or you can give me about twenty minutes to clean out the one of the guest rooms.

A: You don't have to.

Aa: Are you sure you want to sleep with me in my bed together.


Aa: Okayyy

A: *You both get out of the car and head towards the concrete path small dim lights light up the path just enough for you to see where your going so you don't walk right into the cold, wet grass. Aaron opens the door.*

Aa: Here we are.

A: *The tall building has a chandelier in the middle of the room with a pretty red couch and a flatscreen tv. There are 8 doors down a dark hallway and kitchen that connects to the living room with a island in the middle of the kitchen with marble countertops.* Wow it's so pretty. You have such a big kitchen do you like to cook?

Aa: Yeah I really enjoy cooking. Anyways follow me I'll take you to a room where you can change into some pjs.

A: But I didn't bring any pjs-

Aa: Don't worry my Sister lives with me so I can ask her if you can borrow a pair of hers.

A: *A girl walks out of a room with pj pants on and curlers in her hair eating ice cream.* Soap Opera

?: Yep *She runs and wraps her arms around you. * Aaron I didn't know that you had a female friend but wait it's late why is she here.

Aa: Well first Amara this is Melissa, Melissa this is Amara

M: Nice to meet you Amara.

A: Nice to meet you to Melissa.

Aa: Amara's here because her- wait what is Zane to you?

A: Zane's my best friend.

Aa: Oh Well where she lives is dangerous at night so she's staying the night here.

M: Well she can't sleep in a dress.

Aa: I told her I was going to go ask you for some pjs

M: Oh sure here Amara follow me

A: Okay *You walk into a gorgeous bedroom and she gives the choice to pick the one you want. You pic ones with tiny werewolves for the pj pants and a big heart on the chest for a shirt.*

M: Nice choice, wait you do know that Aaron is a werewolf right

A: Yeah.

M: Oh so are you a werewolf.

A: *You pop out your ears and tail.*

M: Wow your ears and tail are- are- SO CUTE.

A: T-Thanks

M: Anyways where are you sleeping I can clean a guest room up for you

A: Oh you don't have to do that.

M: Well I don't have any room in here so you'll have to sleep with Aaron cause he has the biggest bed in the house.

A: O-Okay

M: And he also sleeps shirtless.


M: Okay, Okay

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