30. Of Taking care.....

Start from the beginning

' Where are you going?', Pha made grabby hands at Kit who just continued pouting,' Come back here', he said between his chuckles, as he persuaded him.

' I won't tease you again, I promise'.


Forth checked his phone for any messages or miscalls from Beam, but there were none. He sighed as he plugged his phone into the charger and went to sleep, feeling exceptionally cold, he shivered as he pulled the comforter up to his neck and sighed.

He snuggled into the comforter, and rubbed his cold feet together. He was cold, and he could feel an headache coming. Before he even knew it, he was out like a light.

A few minutes later, at least it felt like few minutes to him but it was almost an hour later, someone was ringing the bell incessantly.

Forth groaned as he dragged his feet towards the door still groggy and sluggish, he opened the door, to find that it was none other than Lam and two of his other friends.

They were all smiling like loons, he groaned again, to show his displeasure.

' I know you're not happy to see us, it's someone else you wish to see', Lam teased as he made his way inside.

' But he's not here , We are, so don't worry', Lam smiled.

Forth felt even more sick , Beam was so cold - hearted that he didn't even call, or message him.

Lam poured the chicken soup he'd brought with him, into an bowl and brought it to Forth who had now taken a seat on the couch.

The other two friends were still smiling among themselves as if they were in on something.

Forth picked up the bowl , brought it up to his nose and smelled the aroma before taking a sip. He moaned at the magnificent flavor, the soup was just that good. He took another spoonful, the soup feeling warm and pleasant as it passed through his pipe,' Ah! This is so good! Where did you get it?', Forth asked, he just realized how hungry he'd been as he dug in the bowl.

' Oh I almost forgot, that soup was made by our Khun Ying', Lam said just as the other two burst out laughing. Forth choked on the soup,' Who? Beam?', he asked as he looked at them for confirmation.

' Are you telling the truth?'.

Lam smirked , just as somebody made their way into the apartment,' Lam, you asshole!', the person huffed as they tried to catch their breath.

' Ai' Forth, you've got some asshole friends', Beam burst out as he entered into his vision.

All the guys snickered and teased Beam, while Forth was still trying to get over his initial shock. He was mulling over if it was really Beam who was standing in front of him.

Was he hallucinating?

No, It was really him.

Forth blinked , it seemed he was totally out of the ongoing conversation, because he couldn't understand a thing they were talking about.

Beam was angry at Lam and the others.

' You told me there was no parking space at this building—', Beam was saying.

' And you believed that? Haha ', Lam high -fived the others,' Oh! Beam you're so naïve', Beam stomped over to Lam who was sitting next to Forth.

' I parked my car two blocks away...just because—', Beam looked like he was going to kill Lam. The other guys started laughing all over again.

Just as Beam reached the end of the couch , Lam jumped up and pushed a fuming Beam towards Forth. Beam lost his balance , staggered back and ended up on Forth 's lap.

Thank God, Forth had placed the bowl on the table before.

Forth fluently adjusted to the added weight and the surprise too.

He supported Beam who froze on his lap. Lam chuckled , so did the other guys as they saluted and sprinted out of the apartment,' Don't be mad at us, Khun Ying!', Lam bellowed.

Beam looked like he was going to go after Lam, after the shock wore off. So Forth unconsciously tightened his hold on Beam's waist and pulled him down on his lap,' Oof !', Beam exclaimed as he glared at Forth over his shoulder.

' Let me go', he wiggled in his hold.

' No', Forth said as he just did the opposite.

He snuggled into Beam's back, and nosed at Beam's neck, Beam bit back a yelp.

He gave Forth a full minute before he started wiggling again,' Can you let me go now?', Forth sighed as he placed his chin on Beam's shoulder, before he loosened his hold.

Beam sprang up in an instant, he was ready to throw many profanities at Forth and his friends but his words died down, when he saw Forth 's pale face, and sweat-shin forehead.

He reined in his anger and sat tentatively beside Forth,' Do you feel cold?', he asked feeling   Forth 's forehead.

Forth nodded, but didn't open his eyes, Beam wiped the sweat near his brow as he frowned,' Good thing, I brought some medicine'.

Forth gave him a lop-sided smile as he gazed at him. Beam looked at the empty bowl,' Have you eaten it?'.

Forth nodded as he shifted closer to Beam,' It was delicious'.

Beam released the breath he had been holding, his hands had shook when he made the soup, no matter what he added , he felt as though it was still not that better.

He was not sure if Forth would like it.

' Do you want another serving?', Beam asked as he looked at Forth through the lashes.

' Would love to', Beam nodded as he got up to get him some more soup.

He even brought the pills and water with it.

' What about you?', Forth asked after he had finished the second-serving too.

Beam handed him the pills,' I've already eaten'.

'Really?', Forth looked at him suspiciously.

' Yes', Beam answered, as he urged him to take the pills,' Now take them', Forth gulped them down with water.

' Now up, come on', Beam tugged at him till he gave in and let him manhandle him into his bed.

Beam arranged the pillow under his head and brought out another comforter from the closet to put over him. He bundled him in them,' Comfy?', he asked. Forth nodded, he still couldn't believe Beam was here and he was so caring.

It's like he just flipped a switch, this Beam was so sweet.

He was talking in hushed tones,' You might be feeling cold right now, but trust me, once the medicine takes effect, you'll sweat and you'll feel much better afterwards'.

He closed the binds,' Call me if you need something , I'll be out there', he left the door slightly ajar, gave one last look to Forth before he left.

Forth looked at the door and smiled, he thought Beam would leave right away but he was staying?

That thought made him happy.

Sleep came very easily, knowing that Beam was just a door away.

A/N:  I love the Doctor trio..their friendship <3

Hope you liked the chapter, our Beam is getting soft, getting there ;)

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