Of X's and O's....

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Touch me like never...

Push me like you never...

Cause'  I am not Afraid anymore.


The next morning, the alarm didn't ring because his damn phone was out of battery. Beam cursed , he was already late by half an hour .

He jumped into the shower first, even the shampoo bottle slipped through his fingers thrice. He just made make-do with whatever he could get his hands on.

He lathered himself with the soap, and shampoo, it was a mixture of both actually.

He cursed when the shampoo stung his eyes,' Shit!'.

He quickly rinsed himself, gave extra attention to his burning eyes.

He wiped himself in a hurry and put on the first set of clothes he could get his hands on. It was a white shirt( which was ironed, thank God), but the dampness was making it hard to wear it , he still tugged it on & managed to button half of the buttons and  then pulled a thin- Sleeveless grey hoodie over it which did very little to conceal anything, next he put on some dark washed jeans. He dried his hair and jumped when he saw it was almost 9 o'clock. He plugged his phone for charging but forgot to turn the switch ' on' and brushed his teeth meanwhile.

He looked for hair-gel, but he couldn't find it anywhere,' Just my luck', he left his hair as it and packed his bag, before leaving the room with his phone behind ,still dead.

He stepped on the pavement just as it started raining, by the time he reached his car he was half-soaked.

'Damn it!', he started the car and sped up to the college.

What a shitty day!

While he was in a hurry to reach the class and avoiding getting rained upon, he just remembered that it was Saturday, as he reached the hallway.

He didn't have any classes till afternoon. Beam sighed as he slid down right in the hallway like a jelly,' Shit! Shit!', he grabbed handful of his hair,' Oh My God! I'm such a fool', he cried.

'My Precious Sleep !!! ', he moaned. He could've gotten more sleep.

Now that he was already up and in the college he decided to go to the Library and get some study done. He pulled his grey hoodie off, which was soaking wet. He shivered a bit, as his wet shirt stuck to his skin making him feel a bit cold.

He didn't expect to find Forth though as he turned around, who for some reason was completely dry.

Beam gasped as he put a hand over his heart,' Gosh! Give a guy a warning!', as he staggered back in shock.

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