It's the truth anyways...

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I want you to hold me down, down, down..

Down forever

I want you to love me now, now, now...

Chapter .22.

' P' Beam', one of the First year student called for him as he rushed towards him.

' Can I talk to you' P ?', he asked trying to catch his breath.

' Can I talk to you' P ?', he asked trying to catch his breath

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Beam smiled at him, and nodded for him to continue,' I needed help with this topic a bit, and one of the senior's suggested your name, it was your specialty ', he produced a bunch of notes.

' I was wondering if you could help me a bit—I have a test coming up next week', he pleaded.

Beam had his own assignments to submit and study for his tests too, he had enough on his plate already , with Forth involved too now, it was hard enough.

But he couldn't deny the poor junior, he agreed to meet him on the weekend at the library.

' I think I can give you a brief idea of this topic, it'll take 2 or 3 hours at max, okay? I'll see if I can give you my old notes too', he smiled at the junior.

The junior thanked him again and again.

They exchanged numbers, and that was the moment Forth chose to come.

' P' Beam thank you so much, it means a lot'.

He saw Beam sharing his number , patting the guy on his back.

' It's okay, really', Beam assured him.

Forth crossed his arms, as Beam turned around. It had already gotten dark. He and Forth were the only ones remaining in the hallway.

Beam raised his brows at Forth's hard expression,' What?', he asked annoyed.

The Junior waved at him and Forth as he thanked Beam once more and walked away from them.

' So you don't have time to pick up my calls, you can't go on a date with me but you can flirt and share number with your juniors', Forth asked once the guy was out of ear-shot.

Beam rolled his eyes hard.

Forth tugged on Beam as he tried to get away.

' Let go, Oi', Beam struggled,' Ai' Forth, Are you crazy?'.

Why did this suddenly remind him of the night Forth kissed him in the parking lot?

He renewed his struggles,' Ai' Forth, Let this go', he said.

' It's not like I've committed to you, have I ?', Beam exploded.

Forth nodded grimly,' Yeah, you're right', with that he let Beam go. Beam almost fell down as Forth let him go so suddenly, but he steadied himself.

Looking up at Forth in surprise, he burst out,' What the hell is your problem, Forth?!'.

Forth clutched him by his shoulders harshly and shook him,' You! You are my problem', he took a deep breath, Beam kept looking at him with furrowed brows.

It was hurting a bit, Forth's grip was strong, but Beam didn't let it show.

Forth calmed himself a bit and finally let him go,' You don't understand', he shook his head remorsefully at Beam.

' I'll just ---', he huffed and strode away without completing his sentence, messing his hair in frustration as he left.

Beam was rooted to the same spot, he watched Forth go, and felt his own frustration creeping up.

Beam was left there standing confused, frustrated.

What was Forth's problem anyway?

Why does he care if he gives his number to some guy or girl?

Who was he even to question Beam?

Beam felt rage boil inside him.

Was he mad at him?!

Forth, mad at him? The nerve of that guy. He was the one making speculations and misunderstanding on his own.

It was not Beam's problem, or fault either.

He should be the one to be mad, not Forth.

' He could go to hell ! ', Beam muttered to himself.

Seriously though , Was he mad at Beam now?

It was the truth though, they are not even in a relationship.

Beam reached his car, he looked at the empty parking lot, and screamed in rage,' Asshole! That asshole!', he kicked his own car's wheel.

Beam didn't know where the sudden rage came from, but he wanted to smash things, or hit something or someone, anything.

Beam groaned when he realised he just kicked his baby, he crouched down and caressed where his kick had landed.

' I'm sorry baby', he whispered to his car.

He sighed as he got into his car and drove back to his apartment.

While driving back to his apartment, the rage evaporated and he deflated like a balloon as he stopped at the red- light.

He felt drained suddenly. Beam looked forlornly at the red- light before he lowered to window to breath in some night air.

He mindlessly turned on the radio, the song playing on the Radio also seemed to be mocking him.

+       It's gonna be you...

It's gonna be you..

Woah, I can't let go.

I'm going to consider this crisis as an opportunity.

You are the Best choice I made...

I can't be stopped..


It's gonna be you     +

Beam glared at the radio as he sighed, but since the light turned green, he focused on getting out of there, rather than turning off the damn song.

It was a good melody too, but it just seemed that the song was played to mock him.

He let the radio play though, after some time he got into it too.

He let the soft voices fill his car, and soothe the unknown ache in his chest , as he drove.

A/N:  I don't have any thoughts about this chapter XD

I'd surely love to hear your thoughts on this chapter.

Comment down below , guys !! Love you <3 * I need your reviews  *   :)

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