You're Cute !!!

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' Ai' Beam ', Kit shook the drowsy friend,' Are you gonna sit here all day? The lecture is over', he smacked him for good measure.

Beam groaned,' Argh, I'm sleepy , okay, she totally just aided to my sleepiness too', Beam said as he gestured towards now the empty platform where the teacher was just a few seconds ago.

Kit shook his head and headed outside of the class, leaving beam behind.

Beam sluggishly put his notes into his bag, and slowly made his way out of the class.

His eyes were barely open, when he bumped into someone who was taller than him,' Oof', he looked through squinted eyes to find it none other than Forth.

He groaned in frustration,' Not now, Please go away, my brain is still not functioning enough to deal with you', with that he side-stepped Forth.

'Sleepy?', Forth asked walking in tow with him.

' Yeah, What are you gonna do about it? Sing me a lullaby', Beam smirked.

' If that's what you want, I'm pretty good with Guitar you know', Forth replied.

Beam sighed,' Annoying'.

' How did you even come here, Engineering students not allowed inside the Hallways', Beam retaliated.

' I have my own ways and charms', Forth said as he leaned in with a leering expression.

' Hah', Beam laughed,' My own Charms, yeah right', he mimicked Forth.

Forth smiled at that.

' You're cute', he said without any hesitation.

' Oyee', Beam looked at him ,' Stop it, don't call me cute'.

' But you are', Forth insisted.

' Okay, that's it', Beam turned towards him and kicked him in the shin, and as he doubled over in pain, he even elbowed him in the back,' That's what you get for calling me cute, call me cute next time and you're dead', he made a gesture of slitting throat as he walked out of the hallway, leaving Forth behind.

Who was smiling like a fool whilst looking at the retreating figure,' Fu*king cute', he muttered.


A/N:  Our Forth is so gone for Beam already...Hehe <3

I mean who can resist Beam / Tee as a matter of fact XD

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