This Guy, really!

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A/N: I hope you enjoy it. This chapter is nothing really special...but I promise it gets better :)


Forth had noticed one thing about Beam was that he would always have his head buried in the cellphone or a tab ,and the times he didn't have that he would be hanging with Kit or Pha.

Mostly it was Kit.

It's not like Forth followed him everywhere, seriously today was a coincidence.

Maybe the Almighty wanted them to meet too.

Forth was surprised to see Beam sitting at one of the tables at the stall where he always has his meals.

He looked around to see if he was alone, but he was not. Kit was filling in their order it seemed.

Forth smiled before he slid in front of Beam, who for once wasn't immersed in his cellphone, but was sitting with his arms crossed, and was even wearing sunglasses at night.

Forth snickered a bit, and looked around to see some of the other patrons were giving Beam strange looks too. But he just smiled at him.

Forth quirked an brow though when Beam didn't even protest about his arrival, nor responded him when he said,' Hey'.

' So you're here to eat too? I'm a regular here, if you wanted to come here you should've told me I would've brought you here...', when Beam still didn't respond, Forth grew a bit suspicious.

He leaned over the table to wave a hand in front of Beam's face,' Beam?', he asked.

He pulled the sunglasses off, and what he found didn't really surprise him, he laughed a little, as he saw Beam was sleeping soundly, this whole time.

Just then his head lolled forward, and Forth out of reflex reached out a hand and placed a hand on his forehead preventing him from bashing his head into the table.

' This guy, really!', he gently pushed Beam's head back.

Kit returned with their orders, and growled in frustration seeing Beam sleeping. He greeted Forth who made an excuse when Kit invited him to join them, that he had to be somewhere and had to take a takeout.

Forth looked over his shoulder and had to hide his smile, as Beam grumbled and groaned when Kit kicked his chair, disorienting him for a second.

He looked around blearily before cursing,' Shit! Ai'Kit, Are you crazy?'.

Forth shook his head as he placed his order.

Beam ducked his head when he saw Forth leaving the place with the takeout.

" Oh no, not here too", he thought.

Forth winked at him as he passed by them. Beam scowled but didn't say anything in fear that Forth would stay back and eat with them.

After a few minutes the waitress brought one Chocolate milk to their table, Kit looked at him in question,' Did you order it?', he asked.

Because he knew only Beam liked Chocolate milk.

' Did you see me leave this place?', Beam said with sass.

He looked at the waitress,' You have the wrong table', he smiled.

' No, the handsome guy just now ordered it and asked to deliver to this table', she replied.

' Bloody Forth!', Beam muttered before he nodded at the waitress,' Okay'.

' Why did he buy you milk?', Kit asked.

' Why don't you ask him?', Beam replied, as he took a sip from it.

He couldn't really throw it now, could he?

It'll be such a waste.

Kit watched him for a few seconds but didn't say anything afterwards and they resumed eating.

A/N: I wanted to update 2 days ago...but my daily schedule is really hectic, it's almost 7:30 here, and I have to leave for college in 20 minutes.

I wrote this last night...and I'm pretty sure I was half-asleep during it, so if it's not good, please bear with me XD

P.S.    BeamKit my Ghost ship since day 1   <3

Falling For You, Surely !!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora