Chapter one-Breakfast Talk

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"I don't think so Xzavier I don't see why they have to be labeled as breakfast food I mean why can't the world accept that we don't have to eat it as breakfast alone?"

I was caught up in a heated conversation with my best friend Xzavier about "breakfast foods"

"Well Miss Brixton (he called me by my last name occasionally even though my name is Layla) I'm just saying it'd be kinda odd if we had cereal or eggs for dinner I don't know it just sounds strange I guess" he replied, shrugging his shoulders whilst texting somebody. I wondered who it was, but that was none of my business and also irrelevant to the conversation topic.

We were walking down the corridor on the way to our classes mine was history while he was going to sociology, our classes just so happened to start at the same time so we got the luxury of seeing each other every Monday morning.

"I see your point" I paused "but why do we have to give in to the works of society as they" I said sarcastically rolling my eyes "Say that cereal or eggs or whatever is so called breakfast food doesn't mean it's true, can't you see that we've subsided to the order for our -" I stop, Xzavier staring at me with a smug look on his face, his phone now in his hands beside him."What?" I ask with a confused look.

"Nothing, nothing" he laughs each word.

"I'm just saying. There must be a radical explanation as to why " breakfast food" is in fact breakfast food" I sigh, Xzavier looking ahead smiling still.

"I believe I have lost this debate, I have no facts" he sighs sarcastically and then smiles putting his hands up in a defense position. I hit his arm jokingly and we both erupt into laughter.

We eventually get to my class surprisingly two minutes early after walking so slow and talking.

"Well I shall see you later on?" I asked leaning on my classroom door frame searching for my book in my Nike Rucksack.

I saw Mr Compton, my favourite teacher, on his laptop whilst stuffing a bagel into his gob, there were only 3 people in the room I sighed with relief because I wasn't the only one coming in I didn't like the attention on me, he had dark brown short cut hair with brown eyes and was wearing a white buttoned shirt with a black tie and black jeans, I don't think they were skinny jeans as it got loose around the ankle, they tightly hugged his thigh and slightly below his knees and clearly looked as if they had potential to restrict his movement.

"Yes Miss Brixton I shall see you later on, after class perhaps?"I smirked at his attempted impression of a proper/Royal British accent, before I had time to answer he followed with "we can run down the road to grab some food" I agreed as he mentioned food and he walked of and bowed before leaving removing his hat as a sarcastic gesture, revealing his Brown shortish longish hair scruffy from the way he took it off. He placed his hat back on his head his tall yet toned physique became more and more distant as I watched him leave. I let out a slight chuckle and shook my head as I pushed open my classroom door.

A/N: Really, short chapter but the books gets better and the chapters become longer.

Trust me! Xx

I have a plan for where this book's gonna go.

Thanks for reading and giving it a chance, please continue..

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