Any Kind of Guy You Want Girl (Carlos Pena love story) #10

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wooo hoooo!!! double digits! yes! i honestly thought that i would fail and would definitely not get this far. but i did! thnx 2 all of u readin! ur the reason i keep on writing! rate, favorite, and pleeeeeez message. i hav no idea what im gona do for the next chapter and i'd be glad 2 use any tht u hav. thnx again! :D

Update: Ignore that stuff above!:)


Carlos's p.o.v.

The day went very slowly. Lindsay and I had to sit on the couch all day and watch tv with Gustavo so he wouldn't have fun and go crazy like last time.

It was a also really akward one time during lunch when Gustavo started to ask us questions.

Gustavo, Lindsay, and I were all eating peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Ben was at the mall picking out some new clothes, so it was just us three.

Everything was silent. I took a bite of my sandwich and chewed while staring at the design on my plate. That's when Gustavo started talking.

"Soooo.... are you two... you know... together?" He asked.

I looked at Lindsay. I smiled and she blushed. I looked back at Gustavo.

"Yeah, we are. Why?" I said.

"I was just wondering cause I saw that Carlos slept over. Because when I got here, I saw all of you in your pajamas." Gustavo went on. "You two didn't... do anything last night, right?"

Lindsay blushed again. I chuckled at her. She always made me laugh. Even if it was something that she said, or something that she did, I always laugh around her.That's one of the things I love about her.

"No, we didn't. We would never if we were this young." I stated.

"Oh, ok. That's good." He said

That was basically all that happened that day besides watching tv.

That night, Lindsay and I were laying in her bed waiting for Gustavo's snoring to start. Then, we would go to my apartment and sleep in my room.

I was sitting up in the bed, and Lindsay was laying with her head on my chest. I had one arm around her, and the other was stroking her hair.

All of a sudden, there was a loud, disgusting sounding snore.

"Holy crap! That's how loud he snores?! I didn't think it was possible to snore that loud!" Lindsay whispered loudly.

"Haha. I know right? Me and the guys couldn't handle it the night he stayed in my apartment. It's a good thing these rooms are sound proof, or else the neighbors would think there was a dying animal in this place." I joked.

We both laughed.

"Ok, you ready to go?" I asked.

"Yup. But what if one of the guys sees me. I don't want them to know about us yet." She said.

I didn't want them to know either. I liked how it was just Gustavo, Ben, me, Lindsay, and probably Taylor, Emma, and Rachel that knew. They wouldn't tell anyone so that's why I liked it.

I also didn't want the guys to know because they would freak out.

"None of them will see you. I don't want them to know either. They're probably asleep now, and in the morning, we'll wake up early and come back here. I don't feel like being bombed with questions about where I was for the last two days and stuff like that." I explained.

"Alright, then let's go." She said.

We tip toed out through Lindsay's apartment and to the door. We walked through the hallway, to apartment 2J.

I took out my key and unlocked the door. I quietly opened it and took Lindsay's hand. I guided her through the pitch black apartment and to my room. I closed the door behind us and flicked on the lightswitch.

Lindsay's p.o.v.

Carlos's room was like any boys room. The bed was made with blue bedding. The walls were a deep green with pictures of snowboarders and surfers scattered around the walls. There was an acoustic and an electric guitar in the corner of the room.

"Nice room." I complimented.

"Thanks", he said.

I walked over to a dresser and picked up a picture of a little boy, a women with dark hair and fair skin, and a tall man with big brown eyes like Carlos's.

"Is this you and your parents?" I asked.

He smiled. "Yeah. I was six in that picture."

"Awwwwww. You look really cute." I said.

"Haha. Thanks."

I set the picture down and walked over to him. I wrapped my arms around him and rested my head on his chest. He snaked his arms around my waist. I loved his hugs. They were always so warm.

He pulled back from the hug and looked at my face. He leaned in and kissed me. I kissed him back. Our lips moved together as our arms tangled around eachother, holdingus closer.

"I love you", I murmered against his lips.

"I love you too", He replied.

We were still kissing when the door opened. Carlos made such a quick movement, I could barely see. He hit the switch on the lights and the room went black. He pushed me over into the closet and closed the door leaving it cracked slightly.

I heard Logan's voice. "Yo, what are you doing? Where have you been the last two days?"

"Sorry if I woke you. I was just watching tv. I was just hanging around here at the Palm Woods. I'm suprised you haven't seen me." Carlos replied.

"Oh. Well, I'm gonna go to bed. See ya in the morning", Logan said.

"Night", I heard Carlos say right before I heard the door close.

I saw the doors to the closet open revealing Carlos. I was hard to see since it was so dark.

Carlos reached out his arms and wrapped them around my waist, pulling me close.

"He won't be coming in again. I locked the door." Carlos whispered in my ear.

"Kay, good", I replied.

We walked over to the bed and Carlos pulled the blankets up. We both slipped in and snuggled close together.

"We better get a good night sleep for tomorrow." Carlos said.

"Why? What's happening tomorrow?" I asked as I turned to face him in his arms.

He took my face in his hands.

"Nothing. I'll tell you in the morning." He said. I was about to protest, but it was too late. His lips touched mine and I forgot everything I was about to say. The only thing in my mind right now was me, Carlos, and this kiss.

I wrapped my arms around his neck, and kissed him back.

Afterwards, we fell asleep in eachothers arms.



I hope you're liking it right now. I have an idea for the next chapter but after that, I've got nothing. So please, if you have any ideas, message me them. I'd love to use them. Thanks again! Bye!

Update: ^ignore that stuff. quizilla stuff. again. hope you liked it! bye:)



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