Any Kind of Guy You Want Girl (Carlos Pena love story) #6

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hey guys. i just looked at the story and realized ther was like 2 chptr 3's, 3 chapter 4's, and like 3 chapter 5's. i figured out how that happend and ill try not 2 let it happen again. srry. but anyway, i hope you like the story! i rle lov writing it! its rle fun! so, message, rate, favorite, u no the routine. haha.

(again, this is from when i was writing it on quizilla, so just ignore the stuff above this. enjoy the chapter!!!:D)


Lindsay's p.o.v.

Bitter's looked at us and smiled. It was not a nice smile, not at all. It was actually kind of scary.

"You two. What do you think you were doing?" He asked.

Carlos and I were both silent.

"It was me." I said finally.

Carlos looked at me and shook his head.

"No, Bitters, it was me too. Don't let Lindsay have all the blame, cause I did it too." Carlos said.

I smiled a small smile at him and he smiled a small smile too.

Bitters nodded his head.

"Well, I've got your friends already up there cleaning your apartment. I suggest you start cleaning up too. And, the pool is now a mess. You will have to pay for that. Gustavo and Kelly are already on their way, and they are mad." Bitters said unpleasantly.

He looked at Carlos. "You, are in big trouble Mr. This is the last straw. If I see you fooling around again, you will be picking up all the trash in the pool area, for 3 weeks."

Bitters looked at me. "As for you, you just got here, so I'm going to give you a break this time. But next time, you will be picking up the trash around the pool with him", he said to me, while pointing his finger at Carlos at the last part.

"Yes sir", Carlos and I both said.

"Now, go upstairs and start cleaning her apartment. Both of you."

Carlos and I started walking slowly towards the elevator. When we were inside and the doors were closed, I started blabbing out so many things.

"Carlos, I'm so sorry! This is all my fault! I can't believe I got you into this! I'm so stupid sometimes!!! Now you have to clean the apartment with me, and now I feel really bad. And I'm soooooo sorry abou-" Carlos put his hand over my mouth.

"Lindsay, it's ok! Believe me! I get in trouble all the time here. You don't have to worry about me. It's fine, really, it is." He said. He removed his hand from my mouth, and I sighed in relief. I was so worried he would be all pissed at me!

"Ok, good. I didn't want you to be mad at me." I said.

"I would never be mad at you. Why would you ever think that?" He said, pulling me into a hug.

I hugged him back. This was nice.

"I don't know why. I just got scared that you wouldn't talk to me for like 3 months." I said. I blushed after I thought of what I had just said.

He pulled away from the hug, and smiled.

"I don't think I could stand not talking to you for more than 3 days, let alone 3 months." He stated.

I blushed an even deeper shade of pink.

The elevator door opened and we both walked out into the apartment. We walked through the door and saw everybody sweeping and mopping and wiping counter tops. The place was a complete mess.

I apologized to everyone and Carlos and I quickly grabbed something to clean with.

After about five minutes, Gustavo burst through the door with Kelly behind him.

I immediately ran over to Carlos and he took my hand and squeezed it softly.

"It's going to be fine. You're new here. You won't get in that much trouble." He soothed me as whispered.

Gustavo looked really mad. And I mean, really mad.

"Oh, well isn't that cute. The little destruction making couple", Gustavo saidas he saw me and Carlos holding hands.

"We're not a couple", I said. I wanted to be though. And I hoped Carlos did too.

"Yeah, we're not", Carlos said. "We're just friends."

"Well you two friends just caust me $5,000! They have to completely drain the pool and get all the crud out of it that you two brought in from your little food fight. And then they have to get new water and refill it!" He yelled.

Kelly put her hand on his shoulder. He looked at her, and she nodded her head back and forth like she was saying no.

Gustavo took a deep breath and began talkingat a normalvolume.

"Lindsay, you are new but I didn't expect you to turn into one of the monkey dogs like Carlos. Now, both of you. I want no more trouble from you two or there will be consequences. Now clean up this apartment. I want it spotless. And remember, 3:00, studio." Gustavo said, right before he walked out the door of the aparment.

Kelly looked at us and then followed him.

I looked at Carlos. "Thank god", I said thankfully.

"Yeah. I thought he was going to fire us or something like that." He stated.

I released his hand.

"Well let's finish cleaning this place." I walked over to a humongous spot of flour on the floor. I took a washclothe and began scrubbing at it.


5 days later

Carlos's p.o.v.

Lindsay and I have become great friends. I haven't asked her out yet, but I'm glad I haven't because I've learned a lot of cool new stuff about her. And I want to know a little more about her before I do ask her out.

We've also been working on the duet which is going great. Gustavo and us have already writtin it andnow we are rehersing it. The song is called'Shot in the Dark'.(I know that it is a BigTime Rush song, but I couldn't think of another song so in the story, it is Carlos's and Lindsay's duet song.)

Today, the guys, Lindsay, and I all have a day off.

Any Kind of Guy You Want Girl (Carlos Pena love story) #1Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin