Any Kind of Guy You Want Girl (Carlos Pena love story) #7

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heyy. i know the ending of the last chapter was a little sucky, but my mom made me finish the chapter earlier. so now, i will continue from ther in Carlos's p.o.v. so rate, message, and favorite. thnx if ur reading!



Carlos's p.o.v.

Today, we allhave the day off.

We all decided to go to the mall because this is Taylor, Rachel, and Emma's last day here in L.A. before they go home.

We all fit into the limo. I got a seat inbetween Lindsay and Ben. Ben was sitting next to the door and Lindsay was sitting next to Taylor. Next to Taylor was Rachel, then Emma, Kendall, Logan, and James on the opposite end of Ben.

I was suprised to see Emma and Kendall holding hands. I thought Kendall liked Lindsay. But, I knew that James liked Rachel. Me and Logan, both liked Lindsay, and I'm pretty sure she likes me too!

When we got to the mall, we went to Hollister, Abercrombie & Fitch, and American Eagle. I didn't buy anything, because the whole time I was watching Lindsay pick out some really cute clothes that looked really good on her.

After a while of shopping, Lindsay came over to me at the food court. We all got seperate tables. Ben and Taylor at one, Kendall and Emma at another, James, Rachel, and Logan at another, and then Lindsay and I at one. It was really annoying when Logan kept on looking at us at our table.

I tried to let it go and talked to Lindsay.

"So, you having fun yet?" She asked me as she came over and sat down next to me.

I took a sip of my Chick-fil-a milk shake.

"Yeah, I am actually." I said smiling.

She smiled back. "You know what's really annoying me though?" She asked.


"Taylor and Ben, and Kendall and Emma keep on kissing and stuff while we're like trying on clothes or something like that." She explained.

That was actually really annoying me too, but I think it was because I wished I could kiss Lindsay when they all kissed.

"Yeah." I said. I looked at her. "Let's ditch them." I suggested. "Then we could take a bus back to the Palm Woods and hang out there."

"Ok! Let's do it!", She replied.

I looked at Logan. He was looking at us too. He looked away and I quickly got up and motioned Lindsay to come too. She got up and I took her hand. We started walking fastly away and nobody even noticed us!

We laughed as we walked around, our hands still joined together. We didn't really go into any stores. We just walked through the mall and talked until we found the exit that we had entered in earlier with eveyone else.

We walked through the doors an to the bus that was loading up at the bus stop. It was a short ride back to the Palm Woods, but we talked the entire time.

When we got back, it was 1:30 in the afternoon.

"So, what do you want to do?" I asked.

"You wanna go hang in my apartment?" She asked.


We made our way up the stairs since the elevator was full, and to apartment 7G.

When we got inside, I looked down at our hands that were still interlocked. Then, I looked up at Lindsay. She was looking back at me. I noticed that she had a smudge from her mascara right next to her eye. I reached up and wiped it away and she blushed.

I laughed silently to myself and then pulled her over to the couch. We sat down and started talking.

"Uhhmmmm, I want to ask you something." I said.

I was going to ask her out now. She looked up at me.

"What is it?" She asked curiously.

"Well, I was just wondering if you would go-" My phone started ringing. Of course, I thought to myself. Perfect timing.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and looked at the caller id.

"It's Logan", I said.

"Put it on speaker", she said.

"Kay." I put it on speaker and then said, "Yo Logan. What's up?"

"Where are you guys? One minute you were there and the next you were gone." He asked.

I looked at Lindsay. She answered his question.

"We're still at the mall. Where are you guys?"

Ilooked at her and we both laughed silently.

"We're at the mall trying to find you. Where exactly inside the mall are you?" He asked.

"We're at the ice cream place near Banana Republic." I stated.

"Ok, we'll meet you there in 5. See ya in bit." He hung up. I closed my phone and looked at Lindsay. We immediately started cracking up.

After about 3 minutes, our laughter cleared.

"So, what was it you wanted to ask me?" She asked.

"Oh, well, ummmmm..." Come on Carlos! Don't be a chicken! "Well, would you, I mean, do you wanna, uhhh, go down to the pool?" I stuttered. I mentally slapped myself. I'm such an idiot!

"Oh, well, sure", she replied.

"Kay. I'll meet you up here after I get my bathing suit on." I replied.

"Alright." She smiled. I smiled back and walked out the door.

I got my bathing suit on and put on a white sleeveless shirt.

I walked back to Lindsay's apartment. I knocked on the door.

"Come in!" I heard Lindsay yell.

I opened the door and walked in. I walked towards her room and went in. She was standing in there slipping on a shirt over her hot bikini.

She noticed me standing there. "Oh, hey. You ready?" She asked.

"Yup. You?" I said.

"Yup. Lets go."

I smiled at her and took her hand. We walked down to the pool together.

Lindsay's p.o.v.

I really thought Carlos was gonna askme out. I geuss not, though.

We were down at the pool when Logan called again. We told him we were at the subway a 1/2 mile away from the mall. When Logan hung up, we started laughing again.

"Haha. Logan is so gullible. Haha", I said.

"Haha, yeah." Carlos laughed.

We decided to get in the pool after a while.

"You're not gonna throw me in again right?" I asked playfully.

"Haha. No, not unless you want me to." He laughed.

"I'm good, thanks for asking though. Haha", I laughed back.

We took off our shirts and I took off my shorts. He did a front flip into the water.

When he got up to the surface, I laughed.

"Show off!" I said kind of loudly.

He laughed too. I jumped in and came up to the suface.

I looked at him. He looked like he was thinking about something.

"What're you thinking about?" I asked.

He looked at me. "Oh, nothing. Just... I don't know."

Carlos's p.o.v.

I was actually thinking about Lindsay and when I was really going to ask her out.

"Just what?"

"I was just thinking... what Logan and them are doing right now." I lied.

"Haha. They're probably freaking out. We should call them and tell them we're here." She said.

"Yeah, we probably should."

We got out and dried off before calling Logan's cell. We told them that we were at the Palm Woods and that we were just messing with them before.

About 15 minutes later, they got back. Logan was pissed at Carlos because Carlos got to spend more time with me. Atleast, that's what Carlos told me that night.

We were both just laying on my bed staring at the ceiling and talking. Rachel, Taylor, and Emma had already left earlier, so now it was just me and Carlos. Ben was asleep in his room and it was 9:30.

"Does he seriouslylike me?" I asked Carlos.

"Yeah. That's what he told me." He said.

"Woah. I never would have geussed that he liked me." I actually thought that it was really cute that Logan had a little crush on me. Even though I didn't like him back, not that way atleast.

I think I did like Carlos that way though. I'm not really sure.

Any Kind of Guy You Want Girl (Carlos Pena love story) #1Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang