Any Kind of Guy You Want Girl (Carlos Pena love story) #3

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heyy guys. i hope you guys like this one. i didn't write out any of the lyrics cuz thers 4 songs so yea. sryy. anyway, i hope you guys like it. message me, rate, and favorite pleez! it means a lot to me. cuz these stories r hard work. thnx!

Created by eckrazy1 on Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Lindsay's p.o.v.

"What song do you want to sing, Lindsay?", Carlos asked.

"Hmmm... how about 'Realize' by Colbie Calliat? I love that song." I suggested.

"I know the lyrics. Lets do it!"

The music started playing and we started singing together. Not to brag or anything, but we were really good! We hit each note perfectly and our voices together sounded great.

When we were done, everybody clapped. I smiled at Carlos and he mouthed 'good job' back to me. I nodded and he left the recording booth. I went with the other three guys then. Logan and I sang 'Hot and Cold' By Katey Perry, James and I sang 'Billionaire' (clean version) By Travie McCoy, and Kendall and I sang 'Viva la Viva' (im not sure who its by).

Logan's p.o.v.

We were definitely jealous when Lindsay picked Carlos first. She did everything with Carlos today. The only things she didn't do with Carlos was sing with James, Kendall, and me.

I knew that she liked Carlos the best. I mean, it's obvious, isn't it?

Carlos's p.o.v.

After Lindsay sang with all four of us individually, we all sang Big Time Rush together. We had to give Lindsay apage of lyrics cause she hasn't heard of Big Time Rush yet. But we only got signed a week ago.

She was a really good singer. I actually wouldn't mind if Big Time Rush was Kendall, James, Logan, Carlos, and Lindsay.

But anyway, after that, we all came out of the recording booth and sat down on the couch. I didn't get to sit next to Lindsay since Kendall and James practically ran to where she was sitting on the couch. She smiled at them, but I could tell it was forced. She seemed very uncomfortable between them.

I sat down next to Ben. He looked at me, gave me a half smile sort off thing, and turned to face Gustavo. I turned toward him to and Gustavo seemed pleased.

"Alright. So, Lindsay. You and the dogs sounded very good together." Gustavo explained. "You especially sounded good with one of them. But I won't pick favorite's." I hoped it was me that sounded good with her. That's what I thought anyway.

"Griffin called me and told me that he wanted a duet with you and one of the monkey dogs. So I'm gonna let you choose who you want to sing it with."

There was silence for a few moments and everybody was staring at Lindsay.

"Ummm... is there any way that, maybe... you could pick? Cause I don't really think I could pick one. They're all my friends", Lindsay stated.

"I geuss that could work. It will be you and Carlos. You guys are off for the rest of the day", Gustavo said.

"But we need all five, or six, of you guys back here tomorrow at 3:00 again." Kelly told us all, making sure to include Ben.

I was so happy inside. I got to sing a duet with Lindsay! The only problem was that Logan, Kendall, and James looked so pissed. I felt bad, but I was too happy to be sad for them.

Lindsay's p.o.v.

Gustavo had picked Carlos to sing the duet with me. That was who I had wanted to pick, but I didn't want to be the oneto hurt the other guys.

Carlos looked happy, but the others didn't. Ben just looked bored. I was so happy Ben was being such a trooper.

Anyway, after we were all dismissed, we all walked out to the limo. Carlos pulled me back behind a wall and smiled such a big smile, it looked like it hurt.

Then he hugged me. His hug felt so warm. And I felt so protected in his arms. Like no one and nothing could hurt me as long as he was here. I could also smell the same cologne on him that I smelled on his shirt that I was wearing now.

"I'm so excited about our duet. You did such a good job", he whispered in my ear.

"Haha. Thanks. You did good too", I whispered back.

We pulled apart and smiled at eachother. Then he took my hand and we walked out of the Rocque Records building together.

I felt really bad about the look on Kendall, James, and Logan's faces, but Carloswouldn't let go. I didn't mind though.

When we got back to the palm woods, it was 5:00 pm. Almost dinner time.

"I'm gonna go change out of your clothes so I can give them back to you", I said looking up a little at Carlos.

"That's ok. You can keep them. You actually look really good in them." Carlos replied.

I looked down and blushed. I told Carlos I was going to go chill in my apartment, and he told me that he would be at the pool if I needed him.

When Ben and me got to the apartment, I had forgotten how big it was. It had two levels, a kitchen with a huge island in the middle, 3 bedrooms, a 72" flat screen, and a ping pong table.

I went into my room and pulled Carlos's jeans off. I pulled on a pair of short short jeans that I cut with scissors a few weeks ago. I kept the polo on. I kept smelling it when Ben wasn't looking.

I grabbed my laptop and sat on the couch right next to the window. I pushed the 'on' button and waited for it to load. I looked out the window and saw the pool. Carlos was sitting on a lounge chair shirtless. He had the best body I have ever seen on a guy.

He must have seen me because he smiled and waved up at my window. I waved back at gave him a thumbs up. He laughed and I went back to my computer. I typed my password and went on facebook to change my status.

I changed it to, 'At the palm woods. Havin soooo much fun. Just met a band called big time rush! They're new here too and they're rle cool! I luvvv carlos! hes soo funny! text! i miss my friends already. by! <3'.

"So," Ben said as he sat down. "You like that Carlos guy don't you?"

"Well, yeah. Like as a friend. Why?"

"I'm talking about you liking him a lot more than a friend."

"What?!" I said loudly.

"You like like Carlos. I can tell." He replied.

"No I don't!" I yelled.

"Lindsay, I wasn't born yesterday. I know you like him. You just don't want to admit it."

"Whatever. We're just friends."

"Friends that pull eachother to the side where nobody can see them, and then come out holding hands?" He asked.

Smart alek.


We both laughed. "I'm going downstairs to the pool. Wanna come?" I asked him.

"To go see Carlos shirtless? I'm good. You can go stare at him on your own." I punched him in the arm and he smiled.

Any Kind of Guy You Want Girl (Carlos Pena love story) #1Where stories live. Discover now