Ocean Warrior~Silver and Turquoise

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Warning: mentions of rape, homophobia??
Ship: Klance

Lotor. The same guy that Voltron was fighting for months, now wanted to be a part of voltron? What the quiznack? "This is insane. You are our enemy, why should we trust you?" Shiro spoke up to lotor displayed across the screen. The paladins and Coran were all gathered, watching the argument go down. "Well aren't you just a little ray of sunshine?" Lotor replied and Shiro narrowed his eyes.
"Geez, tough crowd"
"What do you want lotor?" Princess Allura interrupted. Lotor's fabulous grin stretched out into a smirk. "I already said I would like to join Voltron-"
"No way." Shiro interrupted lotor.
"At least let me finish." Allura rolled her eyes before making a small grunt of approval. "I have a piece offering that I am almost certain will change your mind."
"What could you possibly have that we would need?" Shiro was trying to keep his voice neutral, he was struggling. He was tired of Lotor's mind games. "This offering doesn't exactly concern you." The team shared equal looks of confusion. "This opportunity is really for the blue paladin over there."

"Me?" Lance spoke up from the back. Confusion hung in the air now. "Thanks for the offer lotor but I'll have to politely decline."
"Oh but you haven't even seen the offering yet, I guarantee you'll regret it if you reject it now." What the quiznack was he going on about? Everyone shared skeptical glances before they all nodded at lance. "We'll consider it after we see it." Lance answered lotor after a moment of silence. Lotor, ever so slowly, turned the camera around to reveal two small children, utter relief and joy flooded every vein lance had as he set his eyes upon the children. One boy, one girl. They each shared creamy chocolate skin and the same coffee coloured mop on their heads. Scars, illustrating their struggles, the map of what they were, covered the little skin that was visible throughout their clothing.  They couldn't be older than five, they both looked miserable, but the little boy instantly brightened up as he as he saw lance.

"DAD. DAD. MEALIA ITS DAD" the small boy cried and lance instantly pushed to the front of the crowd, running to the screen and the screaming children. This was so surreal. They couldn't actually be here. They were safe, and alive "R-romeo??...Amelia?? Oh my god. How are you two- you're alive." Lance fell to his knees as the tears flooded and overflowed his eyes. "Lotor, please tell me this isn't a sick joke. Guys tell me you see them too-"
"Calm down lance. They're right here, I am willing to bring them to you, only if you agree to let me join."

That's when it hit lance. He should probably explain. Screw that. He just couldn't bring himself to right now, he was a mess. He just wanted to hug his children as long as he could, the quicker he got to them, the easier it would be to convince himself that they were in fact  safe. That he hadn't yet failed at protecting them. He didn't wipe away his tears, there was no point in hiding the fact that he was relieved as all heck. He had never been more happy in his entire life.

Everyone kept their lectures and screaming in check, as there were little ears present. Lance arranged the meeting with lotor outside the castle in a few vargas...time for lance to explain his children to Voltron. Oh boy.

The four paladins, Keith, Matt and coran all surrounded lance. Eyes begging for answers. Lance didn't want to tell them, he didn't want to feel weak, it was almost unbearable not seeing his kids after almost a year. He wanted to cry and go home, but they deserved answers. "I'm an orphan." Good to cut to the chase. "When I was 11 years old a lady took me in for foster caring." Lance breathed in deeply. The next part he had only told to his therapist and the judge, he had to climb over this obstacle to reach the prize at the end though. "While I was there...she...she..."
'Just say it.' His mind was chanting repeatedly. "She raped me." The silence fell again and the panic started to settle in, lance kept up his hopes though. "When I was 12 the twins were born, they were frail and sickly at first due to their...mother's...alcoholic habits." He hesitated to call that woman a mother. Of course he was excited to see Romeo and Amelia again, but every time he looked at them he saw a part of her in their faces.

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