Soon it was 9:15am and Max would be here in 5 minutes, I better wake up Katie. I walk to my room only to find a empty bed with a small pile of vomit on the floor and the shower going. Shit...Katie being Katie and knowing I have the key to every door of my house thankfully did not lock the door. I open the door and walk in on Katie getting out of the shower only to puke into the toilet. I rush over and hold her hair getting her a glass of water from the bathroom sink while I am at it. Once she is done she swishs the water around her mouth and spits it out into the sink, falling into me. I flsuh the toilet and pick her up carrying Katie to her room. Setting her on the bottom bunk I walk over to her cloest filled with an endless amount of clothes and quickly pick out something simple. A USA Hockey shirt and a pair of sweatpants along with underware, sports bra and converse. Getting her dressed quickly I pick her back up and carry my 14 year old babygirl down the stairs making it down in time for Max to ring the doorbell. Opening the door I kindly ask Max to grab several plastic bags from the countertop drawer. All three of us walking out of my house with Max locking the doors. Soon we were on our way to the doctors.

When we arrived at the doctors its was surronded by the paps. How the fuck to they manage to find me everywhere I go. For real just let me take my daughter to the god damn doctors to get her healthy. Max made way for me while I carried my sick babygirl, I made sure to cover her face up not knowing what the cameras would make her feel like. 

Katie's POV

I woke up to a empty bed. I felt Demi's side of the bed and it was pretty cold meaning she has been up for a while. Feeling the fimiliar curning of my stomach, I started to get out of the bed only to throw up on the floor and all over myself. I walked to the bathroom stripping in the process and taking a shower. Soon I see Demi walk in as I was just getting out and I am making a run for the toilet again. Demi does the usual of holding my hair and making me swish water. I already knew she was going to take me to the hell hole of the doctors office....sorry but I really fucking hate the doctors office. When I was done puking, I simply just fell into her. Demi ended up picking me up and carrying me to my room and getting my dressed. Carrying me to the door once it rings to let someone in and asking them to get plastic bags. I didn't see who it was though since I am hiding my face in her neck. I know I am such a fucking baby....but I am sick 14 year old so deal with it and I am also DEMI LOVATO'S DAUGHTER so you all can just suck it. Anyways whoever Demi opened the door to was driving the car because I was laying in the back seat curlled into a tiny little ball with my eyes closed and head in Demi's lap. Soon the car stopped telling me that we were at hell on earth.

Demi got out and then reached over and picked me up, covering my head as we walked into the building I was hearing people shouting and clicks of a camera. Only telling me that the stupid buttface paps were here. Once we walked into the building then into the elevator. Soon that to came to a stop and we got out. The doctors office had opened its doors just for Demi and closed them soon after she arrived. My name was called almost instently. Demi made me walk over and I walked really slowly considering I barely had the engery to open my damn eyes but I knew I needed to walk some what. Demi had her hands on my shoulders guiding me to where I was supposed to go. 

Once the doctor saw me, he told me I need several shots to help me fight this infection. Oh hell no! His nurse came and gave him the needles and viles of medicine. Once he came closer to me I started freaking out, landing a kick to each of his knees and a punch to his nose. Sorry...wait no I am not so no use lieing about it. I tried to run out of the room only to be pulled back by Demi and forced to sit on her lap. The doctor attemped one more time to come near my and I went wild trying to break free from Demi's grasp. Actually breaking free I ran out of the room...this time to be picked up by Max. Shit. Next attempt they strapped me down to the mother fucking bed. Chest strap, strapped my arms as well as my legs. 

I may or may not have screamed when the doctor gave me my shots. They may or may not have hurt like a bitch. After they were done the doctor handed Demi a bottle of something to help me get over this all ever faster. Demi picked me up and we were out the door once again but this time going back home. Fuck yes more bed time and hopefully no more pukeing. Wait, since I stopped straving myself...does me getting sick mean I relapsed? Eh, I guess not whatever I am sick so who gives a shit that I threw up. 

Soon we were in our driveway well and we got out of the car, starting to walk up to the front door...I walked slowly inside with Demi behind me. I walked staight to the couch and laid down to fall asleep again. But this time without Demi. Before I was out like a light, she lifted my head and put another pillow underneath and covered me with a blanket. Kissing my forehead before she stood up straight and put a grabage can near me and walking away.

Demi's POV

When we got to the doctors Katie was called in immeditly. I guess it helps that I am her mother and that I am famous. They had to give her shots. That was interesting in itself. Three tries it took to finally get them in. The first try she ended up hurting the doctor. The second try she ended up breaking lose from my arms. They finally strapped her to the bed on the third try. 

We went home. She went to sleep on the couch. I tucked her in and put a blanket on her. Kissing her head and putting a garbage can near her. I turned on a "baby" moniter and walked upstairs to my music room. I really had to write some new music, I was going through a withdrawl..I kinda want to start recording again soon. I miss making music. I mean my neon lights tour ended 6 months prior to my adopting Katie and I was granted a small leave of it but I wanted to shock my lovatics and release a few singles here and there. 


Ch. 15 is done!! I am so so sorry about the few day wait on the update. I was at the school in which I am attending in the fall. NIU!! GO HUSKIES! 
So anyways um yea...I actually did kick my doctor once when they tried to give me a shot. I was a violent child at the doctors office. 

I hope to have chapter 16 up by the end of the day Friday...I am more then likely going to expand the amount of days between updates. Mainly to get the chapters to make more sense but also to get the reads up. Plus this week I am granny sitting my grandma and sleeping at my aunts place. 

As always, thanks for all the reads and votes. Remeber to keep reading, voting, commenting or messaging me. I love you all and this fanfic is seriously all owed to you guys. I do not think that I would have gotten as far as I have with out you guys. So thank you for all that, you are all amazing.



Adopted By Demi Lovatoजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें