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It was back to normal now; Jungkook was working like he usually did and there was no Taehyung around to distract him. He absolutely hated every second of it though, he really didn't want to be home. After a few days of not being able to see Taehyung in person Jungkook had come to the conclusion that he wanted to move closer to Taehyung, he even cleaned out the wax of an old candle jar to save spare change in, there was no way he was spending money to buy a piggy bank. He needed all his money to save up for the new apartment he was going to rent. Of course, he hasn't told Taehyung what he was doing yet since he thought it might sound a bit creepy but he was already looking for apartments and looking for new job openings. The downside to this whole plan was that Jungkook wouldn't have enough money for another month or so and he wasn't sure if he could live without his mother.

"Daydreaming?" Chorong asked as she stared at Jungkook who didn't even bother to take notice of the girl who stood next to him. He was still pissed off with her that she had told their boss about his personal life.

Luckily, the music store wasn't busy so Jungkook was allowed on his phone during this time. It was easy to ignore Chorong this way. Before Jungkook left Taehyung's home, they had fixed the whole phone number problem, the two boys now had each other's numbers. They would constantly text each other, talking about anything that would come to mind, it also helped them learn more about each other.

"Are you still mad at me?" Chorong said with a bitter laugh following after. "Hey, you gotta do what you gotta do to get somewhere in this world." Although Jungkook knew Chorong was somewhat right it still made him angry that she had just said that.

"Chorong, it's a fucking music store. Oh boy, you'd be so lucky if you got promoted to my job, your pay wouldn't even go up, by the way." Jungkook shook his head a bit annoyed that he had to deal with the girl. He just wanted to talk to Taehyung in peace without Chorong trying to continuously push him to be even angrier than he was before.

Usually, it wasn't likely for Jungkook to become so angry like this but he really could not handle it anymore, he was so fed up with Chorong and she just knew all the right buttons to hit to make everything much worse. "Whatever," Chorong rolled her eyes at Jungkook and continued to chew her gum with a loud smacking sound.

Jungkook inhaled deeply and pushed his phone back into his pants pocket, Taehyung was taking too long to respond and he knew he was getting ready for work so he decided to just leave his boyfriend alone for now. "You know, I really thought we were friends." This time it was Jungkook who started up, all of a sudden he really just wanted to get his feelings off his chest. "I realized you sucked after you ditched me at that concert but I'm glad you did or else I wouldn't have Taehyung."

"Didn't realize you were gonna ditch me for Taehyung as soon as you saw him," Chorong leaned against the counter and rested her chin in the palm of her hand, she didn't dare look at Jungkook.


"You knew I liked you and you had to go and run off with some stranger." Now half of what Chorong had just said was true, she somewhat did end up having a little crush on Jungkook before the concert but it wasn't to the extent to where she would be mad at him. She just thought he was a very good looking man who she wouldn't mind dating.

"You're the one who ditched me, remember? You texted me saying you met a new friend," Jungkook didn't even acknowledge the fact that Chorong had confessed her little crush to him, it really didn't interest him at all.

"Right..." Chorong rolled her eyes once again but this time she walked off to the break room.

"Finally," Jungkook said to himself as he leaned down and rested his head against the counter. He was really starting to regret working here but he wasn't going to quit, he really needed the money if he wanted his plan to work. Jungkook didn't even talk to his mother about it yet but he planned on doing that soon, just not today. He wanted to make sure that he was gonna go through with it, he didn't want to get his hopes up for something that wasn't going to happen.

No more than a minute later did Hoseok come prancing through the door holding a disc in his hand. "This is it, my boy," Hoseok shouted happily. "This is the one and only beautiful mixtape that I have been working on for so long~"

Jungkook's eyes lit up as the disc was placed in his hands, he couldn't wait for Hoseok to finish his project. He's heard a few of his songs before and they were honestly the best ever, the beat and flow of his raps made it sound like it was professionally done, so you could see why Jungkook was so excited for some new tunes.

"Finally~" Jungkook laughed and looked at his friend. "I can keep this?" He asked looking down at the disc.

"Yeah, I'm giving it out to my number one supporters, they always come first." Hoseok leaned a bit over the counter to ruffle Jungkook's hair, which was immediately fixed by the younger boy running his fingers through his messy hair.

"Thanks, hyung, I'll check it out when I get home," Jungkook looked up to Hoseok.

"Yeah, yeah no big deal. Hey, we need to catch up though? I've been hearing things," Hoseok gave a subtle wink before making his way towards the front door of the shop. A light blush appeared across Jungkook's cheeks as he thought about what Hoseok could be talking about.

"Yeah, text me, see you later!" Jungkook shouted as he watched Hoseok walk out the door.

Jungkook couldn't wait till his shift was over, usually by the time he got home and got ready for bed he would call Taehyung and talk to him over the phone as Taehyung worked at the radio station. It was the best part of his day, they both got to talk about everything except when Taehyung had to mutter some words into the mic. Of course, Jungkook still listened to Seoul97 even when they were on the phone talking. It was where all his favorite jams were played and it's where he got to listen to Taehyung's voice even when they weren't talking. Lately, Taehyung has been playing a lot Jungkook's most favorite songs, Jungkook wasn't sure if it was because they were together now or if Taehyung actually wanted to play them, either way, it made him fall more in love with Taehyung. 


this is actual trash, sorry

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