
4K 276 97

Jungkook sat at home in front of his desk, he had his laptop open to Seoul97. A few days have gone by since Jungkook and Taehyung had a conversation. Jungkook knew he only needed to call the radio station to get Taehyung's number but that anxious feeling would always come back.

The time on Jungkook's laptop read 2am. Feeling defeated about not giving Taehyung a call Jungkook decided it was time to crawl into his bed. He kept the music going, he knew he would be able to fall asleep to the calming tunes.

Within the last few days, Taehyung's schedule had changed, he had begged the radio station to have a late night air time. Jungkook was a bit upset by this considering he had to work in the mornings sometimes but he wanted to stay up and listen to the music picked out by Taehyung and of course he wanted to hear Taehyung's deep voice.

Taehyung called his late night sessions 'Time to Chill', Jungkook thought it was a pretty weak name considering the fact that Taehyung would play a bunch of chillhop during these hours. Taehyung also decided that he would be coming back for some late afternoon hours, this was going to double his pay. He was happy about the extra cash but it did leave him feeling extremely exhausted.

Taehyung's voice softly spoke over the music, he began to introduce the next song along with wishing everyone a good night and hoped they were dreaming peacefully. Jungkook's eyes started to droop close as Taehyung told everyone a bit about the next artist that was going to be played. Before the next song could even begin Jungkook was already in a very comfortable sleep. There was nothing better than to fall asleep listening to Taehyung talk.


The next day went by very slowly for Jungkook, he really couldn't stop thinking about how he was going to lose Taehyung if he didn't call him.

In the middle of cashing someone out, Jungkook just dropped the money and left to go to the bathroom. The man at the counter said a few curse words while watching Jungkook walk away with a displeasing face. Chorong had to step in and finish cashing the man out.

Jungkook looked like he had gone mad to everyone in the music store. But he just wanted to call Taehyung to fix things before his actual heart strings broke.

Once in the bathroom Jungkook dialed the radio station's number, he knew it by heart, of course. Jungkook wasn't on hold for long before Taehyung answered the phone. Hearing his voice flow through the phone again almost made Jungkook throw up. He couldn't believe Taehyung still made him this nervous or maybe it was just the fact everyone who was listening to Seoul97 would hear their conversation.

"Hello, beautiful listener," Taehyung spoke smoothly. Jungkook's mouth became awfully dry when he heard the familiar deep voice.

"Taehyung," Jungkook bit his lip hard right after he spoke.

Taehyung knew exactly who the voice belonged to, he couldn't believe that Jungkook was trying to contact him again. The first thing Taehyung did when he didn't hear from Jungkook the day after he left was texted him. But the night they shared before must've made Jungkook so nervous that he had messed up his own number while saving it into Taehyung's phone.

"And this is the man who did not only steal me away from an iu concert but he also stole my heart-" Taehyung was going to continue talking about Jungkook but the line went dead.

Jungkook was in the bathroom having breathing problems from what Taehyung just said. "There's no way in hell that he actually likes me, it was only one night, how?" Jungkook was talking to himself as he held a tight grip onto the sink's edge.

Taehyung quickly played another song and pretended like he was having mic issues along with phone issues. He thought Jungkook would feel the same way. He knew it was only one night that they spent together but it was a meaningful night to Taehyung. He wants to have more nights like that one but he wants Jungkook right by his side, like before.

He knew his voice was going to crack if he spoke, he was just so down about Jungkook hanging up like that. To make it even worse Taehyung's exhaustion was making him feel even lower. Taehyung really didn't believe in love at first sight until he met Jungkook.

Jungkook slowly slid his phone into his pants pocket and let out a loud sigh, he was so frustrated with himself, he really didn't know what to do. He gave himself a glance in the mirror before walking out of the bathroom to go talk to Chorong.

"Chorong," Jungkook called out as he walked towards the counter. "I have to go," That's all Jungkook had said before leaving the music store, not even glancing back once.

Chorong raised her eyebrows up in confusion, she didn't understand why Jungkook was acting so weird. She was a bit worried about him. She just hoped that Jungkook wouldn't get in any trouble. No one really knew where Jungkook was off to since he didn't tell anyone, not even his mother. He didn't leave with any belongings besides his wallet and phone. 

dun dun dun

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