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Jungkook has continued on with his week as happy as he could be. Everything was finally going right for him, just because he was meeting his two favorite people. He thanked Chorong every single day since then, she was his savior. Plus Jungkook wasn't going to have to go by himself to meet Taehyung he had Chorong right by his side. Hopefully that was enough for him to get over the fear of talking to Taehyung. Then there was IU, the only other person he loved listening to, Jungkook already knew he was going to be shy around her.

"Oh, gosh," Jungkook sighed happily as he listened to Taehyung talk. He was at work like usual, Jungkook was currently dusting off the shelves that needed to be cleaned. He couldn't wait to get out of school so he could have a job that he actually wanted and not some crappy job that forced him to clean all the time. But Jungkook still had no idea what he wanted to do with his life.

"Remember the IU concert is next week please buy tickets and support her," Taehyung said cheerfully. After hearing Taehyung announce the date of the concert Jungkook choked. It was sooner than he remember, he stood up straight and looked around the store. No one was currently here which made him rush back over to the counter.

He placed the duster down then pulled out his wallet, he needed to make sure he had enough money to buy a new outfit for the event. He wanted to look good for Taehyung and his usual sweater and tight jeans weren't gonna cut it for him.

Jungkook let out a sigh as he looked at the money he had, he had a good amount to get a new outfit but he really wanted to save up for a new pair of sneakers that he's been wanting for a month now. But the outfit was more important than the sneakers.

"What are you doing?" Chorong asked as she came over to the counter to wipe it down.

Jungkook glanced over at her as he put his wallet away. "I need your help," He said looking into her eyes. He thought Chorong would be the perfect friend to help him find new clothes.

"Help with what?" She asked, "I already got you tickets what else could you want?" She joked as she continued to clean the counter.

"Well, we both know that if I go shopping by myself I'll just end up getting the same stuff that I usually get.. You seem to know how to dress nice, so I was wondering if you were busy tonight?" The way Jungkook had made it sound made Chorong think she was being asked out on a date.

"Sure," Chorong smiled as she watched Jungkook grab onto the duster again. "I'll be happy to help you,"

Jungkook gave her a sweet smile before he walked away to clean off more areas. He was glad that everything was going so perfect, just like he pictured in his head. Hopefully it all worked out for him.

As agreed, Chorong did go shopping with Jungkook that night right after their shifts ended. It was a lot of groaning and complaining from Jungkook since he absolutely hated trying on clothes which Chorong made him do a lot. But she wanted to make sure he was gonna look good. As she sent him to the changing room with a bunch oof clothes she decided to treat herself with an outfit too. She couldn't let Jungkook get all the attention when they went to the concert.

"I think this is okay?" Jungkook asked as he came out of the changing room, he looked at Chorong who was digging through a pile of shirts, looking for her size. As she turned around to look at Jungkook she gasped. "Oh my goodness, that looks really nice on you, are you sure you're comfortable in it?" She said walking closer to him.

Jungkook was wearing a white button down shirt with a pair of nice jeans, it was nothing too special but it was something he normally wouldn't wear to a concert. But this wasn't just a concert to him, this was the moment he'd be meeting Taehyung and IU. He had to impress them.

"It's not too pricey either," Jungkook told her, "You think Taehyung and Jieun would like it?" He asked looking in the mirror again. "Maybe I should try on something else.

"No, I love it, you look really nice Jungkook. I'm sure they'll love it, I love it," She told him with a big smile. He looked at her through the mirror and smiled, he loved the compliments he was getting from her. It made him feel good about himself.

"Okay," Jungkook sighed out walking abck towards the changing room to change back into his old clothes. "I'll buy this,"

After the two left the mall, Jungkook went home and tried the outfit on again. He still wasn't sure if this was for him. He hoped Taehyung liked it though.

He smiled into the mirror, "You're gonna meet him," He told himself with a happy sigh.

i love you though

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