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The train ride back to Incheon was depressing and slow. Jungkook kept his eyes out the window trying to think of anything but Taehyung. He wanted to pull his phone out right then and there to text the boy saying that he wanted to come back already. But he resisted not wanting Taehyung to think that he was clingy.

Just before the train left Jungkook had texted his mother and told her that he was on his way home. Wanting to see Jungkook as soon as possible she decided she would pick him up. Jungkook couldn't wait to see his mother and tell her all about his night.

Once off the train Jungkook went to look for his mother who was already waiting for him. It only took about five minutes before he found her. "Jungkookie," She shouted and waved over at him. "Mama is over here!" She continued to wave her hand as a wide grin appeared on her face.

Jungkook's cheeks turned a dark red as he walked over to his mother with his head down, feeling embarrassed about the way she was acting out.

Mrs. Jeon met Jungkook half way and wrapped her arms around his torso. "Ah, my baby is alive," Jungkook thought it was a bit funny that his mom was acting like she hasn't seen him in years.

"Of course," Jungkook hugged back then pulled away to look at her.

Jungkook's mother grabbed onto his arm and started to drag him to the exit. Only then did he start thinking it probably would've been easier to find his mom in her car instead of looking all over the place for her in the station.

"We're going out to lunch," She told him and walked right pass the car that sat out on the street. Just ahead was a small diner that Mrs. Jeon always used to take her son to when he was little.

Once the two were seated Jungkook began to talk about his night. "Mom, he was so perfect," Jungkook sighed happily as he looked down at the menu. "He took care of me too," He thought sharing this information was the most important since Mrs. Jeon was so concerned about Jungkook supporting himself in the future.

Mrs. Jeon smiled at Jungkook and leaned against the table more. She was glad to see her little boy growing up, it made her even more happy to see that he has found somebody so important to him already.

"I'm really glad you had a nice time.. next time just make sure to text me a few more times. I was up all night worrying about you. I know, you told me you were fine but.. I was still worried." She reached her hand out and patted Jungkook's.

Soon enough a waiter came to get their orders, the two ordered simple meals and water to drink. After the waiter brought their drinks and walked away Mrs. Jeon thought it was the perfect time to ask more questions about the boy who has stolen her son's heart.

She didn't realize that Jungkook was going to go into a ten minute spew about Taehyung's slippers. It surprised her that someone could do such a thing, the next thing she knew Jungkook was going on talking about Taehyung's bed and how he slept.

"You slept with him?" Her eyes widened and her heart began to pound against her chest. She thought it was okay that Jungkook went out and did other things but she didn't want to hear that her baby was already having sex.

"What-" Jungkook blushed then quickly shook his head. "No, not like that. It was just sleep, I promise."

Mrs. Jeon relaxed and nodded her head, thanking the lord that her baby was still pure. "Well, seeing as you can go on talking about this boy forever.. I would like to meet the man that my little Kookie has fallen for," She jutted her bottom lip out into a small pout.

Jungkook nodded his head thinking Taehyung would be fine with meeting his mother. "As long as he's not busy.." Jungkook decided he would pull out his phone and send Taehyung a quick message just so he could tell him that he made it home safely.

"He's really great," Jungkook decided to say again, making his mother roll her eyes at him.

"Jungkook you fell too hard for this one.." She mumbled to herself and watched Jungkook go through his phone.

Jungkook froze as he looked at his phone screen. When he went to his contacts it was then when he realized that he didn't have Taehyung's phone number. Only Taehyung had Jungkook's number. "Mom," Jungkook said in a panic.

His mother held her cup up and took a sip from the straw, she waited patiently for Jungkook to explain what his problem was. "I never got his number-" He bit down hard on his lip and placed his phone on the table feeling defeated.

Mrs. Jeon furrowed her eyebrows together as she set her water down. "Baby, calm down," She didn't like seeing Jungkook in such a panic, it made her feel uneasy. "Didn't you say he was a host of a radio station?" She asked relaxing a bit. "Just call him, silly," His mother began to laugh quietly at Jungkook.

"Oh," Jungkook tightly pressed his lips together. "You're right.." A light blush appeared on his face. He didn't think of that since he was so worried that he would never talk to Taehyung again.

"Besides.. I'm sure he would've texted you at one point?" Mrs. Jeon shook her head lightly. Jungkook knew he was going to have to call the station again but he wasn't exactly sure what to say.

A waiter brought their food, pulling him out of his thoughts. Jungkook licked his lips as he stared at the food. Even though he ate less than an hour ago at Taehyung's he found himself starving again. He figured he'd deal with the Taehyung stuff later but right now Jungkook could only think about his food.


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