Without a sense of confidence 21

Start from the beginning

Rob shook his hand and sunk his fingers to Brad's curls. "Don't worry about it. I just have to get used to it. Since we are together."

The guitarist smiled now wider glad that the other didn't panic. Guess that's some progress too, he thought.

"Do you... like.... is it childish? You know since were grown ups and like that. I'm not supposed to do something like that anymore, right? It's what teenagers do. Not adult people with... well more adult problems", the drummer mumbled.

"Robbie.... No. You shouldn't even think that. No one can tell you what you should and shouldn't do. Or feel. Would it be more 'adult' to drown them into booze? Or drugs? It's just... One mechanism to deal with stuff you didn't know how to deal with otherwise. Right? I'm not... I don't want to sound like shrink, just trying to figure out what goes inside of that thick skull of yours", Brad sighed laying now on the couch head on Rob's lap.

He grabbed Rob's arm and pulled it on his chest staring at the worried eyes.

"Gosh I love you so much. You really don't have an idea.... I would never ever let anything bad happen to you. But when the bad is in your head... I don't know how can I protect you from it", he whispered.

"You said it again", the drummer stated.

"I did. And I will say it way more often so get used to it. Which I told you yesterday", Brad raised his hand in his lips and kissed the knuckles softly.

The drummer sighed, "You're stubborn."

"Remember the one night in the crappy hotel. Just after we slept in the bus together and you tried to explain it to Joe who was acting weird and being suspicious. I told you that I feel like you're the light chasing out the darkness in me. I meant it. I meant it then, but I do still think the same", he continued.

"And I would give anything to do it", Brad reached to fondle his cheek.

"But you are already doing it. Like... Right now. I just hope you don't disappear before I am ready. Or rather ever", Rob kissed the palm.

The guitarist's lips curled to a soft smile. "Ready? It doesn't mean you're anymore half or partial than others even though you have darkness inside of you. And I think I already told you I'm not going anywhere. Which I think makes you more stubborn than me. Or maybe you're just daft..."

"Delson! Stop mocking me or I'll kick your ass", the drummer chuckled.

"See? You're as whole as we others too", Brad laughed back.

The drummer shook his head and grabbed his phone back finally.

"But now I will go and call Mike so he doesn't bother us later. Hope we don't need to cancel more shows and Chester is better already", the guitarist jumped up.

"You know... I do love playing and touring but... I still would want to stay here", Rob cringed.

Brad smiled pulling out his phone from his pocket. "I know you do. And I think we all feel like home is the best place to be, even when you can travel and work with your best friends."

"No, I meant here. With you", the drummer mumbled.

"Aaaawwww Bourdie!", Brad jumped to his lap straddling him.

"Are you going to be all cheesy again? Cause I will push you on the floor", Rob rolled his eyes.

"No.... You're just so cute", the guitarist mumbled and kissed him.

Rob moaned when the rigid tongue pushed in between his lips exploring and invading. His hands had trailed down to squeeze Brad's ass and the guitarist was pushing against him harder. Brad loved how again the drummer was a wriggling mess under him even when he had gained most of his strength and muscle back and could easily turn the situation other way around.

"Love that you have gained most of your muscles back already", he mumbled amongst the kiss.

"Are you calling me fat, again? At least I am not as scrawny as you are", the drummer joked back sticking his tongue out.

"Yeah... But you were", Brad smiled sadly and held his cheeks so that he could connect their lips again. "And I am not letting you fall back to that. But now I will make the call. Otherwise we'll be here till the sun sets."

He got up and went to make coffee while he called the emcee.

"How is he?"

"Way better. I think there's no need to cancel more shows", the emcee sounded happy.


"Do you mind if I stop by there soon? You're home right?"

"No I don't mind. Rob is here too", Brad glanced over his shoulder.

"Okay, will be there in a few", the emcee hung up.

"Mike is coming to stop by. Don't know why but don't think it would bother you?", he told then for the drummer.

"Okay. I don't mind", Rob smiled picking up the book he had left on the table.

He felt like he was at home and the guitarist had noticed that he had left items here and there. It didn't bother him but quite the opposite. He adored it. The book that was neatly placed on a table bookmark marking the place where the drummer would continue. Then the glasses that could be anywhere if they weren't shielding his pretty eyes. Brad smiled feeling his heart beat faster when he thought about the drummer and his small habits that he had got to know so well.

Soon the coffee was ready and as Brad was pouring it to their mugs the emcee stumbled in.

"Hello!", he smiled. "This... God I still feel weird."

Brad rolled his eyes while he brought Rob's coffee to him. "Yeah well... I think it would be easier to you... for the whole band if you would get used to it."

Mike stared at the two now sitting on the couch. They looked happy. Like... newly wed happy. He was really, genuinely glad that they were. He didn't really know what he would have done if Rob wouldn't have gotten better. Now when he looks back it could have ended way worse. They were lucky that Brad had noticed it.

"Well I didn't really mean that but... Rob sitting on your couch and you bringing him coffee and others not here and Chester being sick and.. Wait. That isn't a weird thing... ", he answered.

Brad wasn't paying attention to him at all. Instead he was trying to annoy the drummer by poking his ribs and nibbling his ear.

"Aaaaand this. Fuck", the emcee tried not to blush but did anyway.

"Well that too but I am pretty sure you don't need to think about it", Brad chuckled.

"Brad!", Rob pushed the laughing guitarist away.

Mike couldn't help but to laugh while he covered his eyes with his fingers. The couple would cause him a heart attack some day.

"So tell me about the interview. How did it go?" he shook his head and changed the subject.

Rob let the guitarist crawl under his arm and handle the talking. He was more than just comfortable like that.


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