The song ended and when I looked up, I felt tears fall from my eyes I didn't even know were there. I need something to cheer me up. I went down to the kitchen and got a chocolate cosmic brownie from the cabinet. Chocolate always seems to cheer me up. I took a bite and then remembered I needed to have food for Brooklyn. I panicked and looked around to see if there was anything I could whip up real quick. Sadly, there wasn't. Eh, I'll just call in some pizza. Ezra can eat some with us too. Oh crap! I forgot to tell Brooklyn he was coming over.

I ran back upstairs and searched for my phone. I looked and looked but couldn't find it anywhere. What did I do with that dang phone? Oh yeah! Duh! I left it in the juke box. I went over to the music machine and retrieved my phone. I sent a quick message to Brooklyn explaining that Ezra was coming over tonight. I went back downstairs to find the number for Pizza Hut. Once I found the number, I dialed it onto my keypad.

"Good afternoon! This is Pizza Hut! Would you like to try our new barbeque chicken?"

"Umm..... No thanks. Do you still have the $10 any topping medium sized pizza special?" I asked the kind lady over the phone

"We sure do sugar. What toppings would you like?"

She must be old. I hate when old ladies call me sugar. I know I'm sweet, but c'mon!

"I want one pan tossed pepperoni and one pan tossed meat lovers please. Oh! And I need two 2 Liter bottles of Pepsi! No! Wait! I want one Pepsi and one Mountain Dew." I said, rethinking my order.

"No problem. Do you want both pizza's to be medium's?"

"Yes please."

"Alright. Your total is $27.60. Your order will be ready in 25 minutes. Do you want someone to carry it out to your house or are you going to come pick it up?"

"Hm....That's a good question cuz if they bring it here, I have to tip 'em but if I go pick it up, I waste my time and gas." I said, thinking out loud.

"Good point." The sales lady replied.

"Just deliver it. I'm lazy which is why I ordered pizza instead of going to the store to pick up some groceries. My address is......"

"We know what it is. Apparently, You call here a lot." She laughed. "Alright. Thank you for choosing Pizza Hut! Have a nice afternoon!" She stated, ending our call.

Good! Food is taken care of! Now, I just need to find a few movies to watch. This may take a while.

After hours and hours of trying to pick some decent movies, (well not literally hours. I'm just exaggerating a little) I found 3 movies for us to watch.

I chose Man of Steel (the actor that plays superman in this movie is freaking HOT!), We're the Millers (which is hilarious), and Step Up Revolution. I don't know why but something about hot guys dancing gets me all giddy. If they don't like my choices then they can just leave. They did come to my house after all. If they wanted to choose the movies, they should have just stayed at home.

The bell rang signaling someone was at the door. I jumped up from the comfy couch and looked through the peep hole in my door. Yay! Pizza's here! I opened the door and shoved money at the poor delivery guy.

"Thanks. Have a nice day!" I smiled and closed the door.

Should I wait for Brooklyn and Ezra to get here before I eat? Yeah, I probably should. I sighed and sat back down, waiting impatiently on the two idiots to get here so I can eat me some delicious food.

After waiting my whole life for them to get here (yeah, I exaggerate a lot), I decided to just call and tell them to hurry up and get over here before the pizza gets cold.

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