Chapter 11

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"So why are we hea again?" I asked for the fifth time as we moved in line again. "I had my shoot a few hours ago and now I have to frame my pictures." She said scrolling through her phone.

"You have to frame them?" I asked huffing. "No I want to. You know you didn't have to come right?"

I ignored her question.

"I'm hungry bruh. They got a spot round hea?" I looked around to see if someone had a bag from somewhere. "No but they got a vending machine." She pointed.

"Bet." I scooted out of line and made my way to the vending machine. They had nasty shit in here, but I just need something.

Putting my dollar in, I pressed 23 which gave me peanut butter crackers. I looked over to see Nadia was up at the desk getting her pictures printed and framed.

I sat in one of the cushion chairs scrolling through my phone.

Melly B: Aug


Melly B: wtf ya ass at

:round the rich people neighborhood

Melly B: why you up there?

:Nadia had to frame some pictures from her photoshoot

Melly B: oh word?


Melly B: look at you lil nigga, done got ya self a model😂

: Shut up but why ya need to know where I'm at

Melly B: ya daughter asking for you

: tell my lil baby I'm coming

Melly B: Aight

"Ready." She beamed as she stood in front of me. "Aight lemme see these pictures." I said grabbing them.

Damn she looks good as fuck in these pictures

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Damn she looks good as fuck in these pictures. "Woo." I shook my head stopping the unholy thoughts.

"I'm taking that as they look good." She giggled and tried to take them out my hand, but I just wasn't letting go. "August let go." She tried to pull again.

Damn, just imagine if she wore that for me. Man it's been a while since I had some pussy.

"August!" She screamed making others look at me. "Give me my pictures." I did as told looking down at my member which was stiff and noticeable.

"Wait Nadia!" I grabbed her and press her backside onto me which made it so worse. "What? Oh my God August." She whispered.

"Jus walk." We walked out the store with her in front of me. I hopped in the passenger seat of her car.

"What the fuck happened to you back there?" She laughed putting the car in drive. "Man you just look good in these pictures." I licked my lips.

"So my pictures caused that." She pointed to my dick that was still stiff. "Yeah." I covered him up with my hands.

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