Chapter 2

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A little after 4, I made my way to the rec center, close to where Madison goes to school to pick her up. From school the group of children and adults or sometimes upper class men walk them a block to the center.

I pulled up in front of the rec, seeing the children playing outside with chalk, holla hoops, or jumping rope.

I saw my baby in the corner making shapes with the chalk. As I approached her, she jumped in my arms just like any other day.

"Daddy I missed ya." She kissed my cheek. "I missed ya mo', munchkin." I carried her to the building where I had to sign her out.

Of course it was other single parents, meaning the ladies that tried to get at a yungin' but I ain't with it.

"Hey August." Melody, one of the classic hoes said flirting. "Wassam." I nodded her way. She could've acknowledged my baby girl, too.

"I dont like ha' daddy cause she like ya." Maddie mumbled in the nape of my neck. "Me eitha' baybeh. I dont like ha' cause she not as beautiful as ya' and if my lil homie don't like ha' I dont eitha." We did our lil handshake.

I signed out Maddie and grabbed her book bag out of her lil shelf.

"Aight lil baybeh, what ya trynna do befo' we go inna house?" I asked strapping her into her car seat. "Ummm Storyland!" She screamed with her arms up.

"Aight mama Storyland it is." I chuckled.

Peeling off into the street, I made my way to the same place we go to every week. As long as my baby girl is happy, I'm happy.


"Daddy! Daddy, look Ariel!" She said as she pointed to The little Mermaid book. In Storyland it's an amusement park and something like a book gallery as if you was at the aquarium.

Since my baby is smart, she likes the book part better.

"I see mama, she's so pretty."

"I know righ', I want ha' ta be my mommy." She smiled and went to another book. That really caught my attention because it's not many times where Madison speaks about having a mother or me having a girlfriend.

I dont know how she feels about the topic, but I know she does feel some type a way even though she's still at a young age.

Instead of making her comment a conversation I decided to leave it alone. We looked at a few more kid books and even brought a couple for her to read.

I knew she was worn out because as soon as we got in the car, she fell asleep.

I drove to the Mc'Donald's closer to my grandmother's house for Madison's dinner. Pulling up to her house, I shut the engine off and gathered Maddie and her things for the night.

Glad tonight is a Friday because she would have to miss school for the fact that she's all the way out here. She slurred around when my heavy hand knocked on the door.

"Hey baybeh." MawMaw said she grabbing a bag from my hand. "Hey Maw. Baybeh wake up." I shook her a little. She yawned and wiped her eyes.

"Hey Maw." She twisted in my arms. MawMaw looked at her and smiled, "Exactly like ya Aug, jus a spittin' image." I nodded.

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