Chapter 4

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"Wake ya lil foo foo ass up!" I felt somebody kick me. I opened my eyes to Trav and Mel laying in the bed next to me. They my two big brothers, also Mal but he stay in the streets doing stuff.

"Fuck is y'all doin?" I yawned. "Maw called and told us ya wa' hea', so we wa' like let's pull up onna baybeh brudda."  Mel said.

"Mmmh, what y'all fruit asses doin' layin' next ta me?" I sat up against the head board.

"Boy ya actin' like we ain't sleep inna same bed as yungin'. Boy woowee ya feet used ta be so crusty." Trav laughed. Mel joined. "And they stank."

"Ha ha no they wasn't." I chuckled. "They prolly still is. Mal wa' like 'yo y'all gotta tell Aug bout them crust' ass feet fo' I wind up sleepin' in Netia bed'." Mel chuckled.

"Now I know ya playin'. Why did Netia have ha own room anyway?" We all made stank faces. "Cause mama wa' like 'she's the only girl', bunch of bullshit." Trav said rolling his eyes.

"Dats why she a baybeh now. Sleep wit tha big fellas ya tough." Mel chuckled.

"Yeah I guess." I shrugged. "Get outta my way fools, I gotta piss." They sucked they teeth and slid outta the bed.

"Mama come 'round y'all recently?" They shook they heads.  Not surprised.

"Not since she asked fo' money and I said no I aint supportin' dat shit no mo'." Mel said making us shake our head. "Not like I ever wa', ya feel me?"

My mama, Shelia been addicted to drugs for the past 6 years. She started once I became a freshman at McDonogh Senior High. I was 15 and I remember catching her injecting herself with that poison.

I walked into the house after coming home from my football practice. Everybody already knew I was one of the best football players in the whole school.

But the coach, Nixon was white and he ain't really fuck with me because Travis dumbass beat up his son. So he put me on Junior Varsity.

I was running home to tell my mother how Coach Nixon made me run 25 laps back and forth until I threw up and almost had an asthma attack. The thing is I don't even have asthma.

I was so tired of his bullshit and being the ' nobody finna fuck wit my baybeh' type of mama, I knew my mama wasn't gonna have that. I ran into the door, since it's always opened.

"Mama?" I said walking into the kitchen. She wasn't in there so I went upstairs to her room.

"Mama?" I walked into her room seeing her doing something. She tried to move it real fast, but her actions were too slow.

"Hey Aug, what's up?" She sniffled and wiped her nose. "What wa' ya doin?" I asked coming closer to her.

"Nothin' baybeh. What wa' it ya wanted to tell me?" She stood up, but her body flew right back down.

"Woo my head." She held her forehead. "Mama what's wrong?" I asked going into her dressers for Tylenol or something.

"Aug don't go runnin' through my shit!" She said trying to sit up.

"Ma lay back dahn." I said seeing a white powdery substance in one of her dressers.

"Mama wha' da fuck is dis shit?" I yelled with a full blown NOLA accent.

"August Alsina lowa' ya fuckin' voice I am ya mama!"

"Ya surely ain't bein' a good one doin dis!" I threw the smack cola on the floor. She flew to the floor picking it up in scoops.

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