Complicated Confrontation

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It's Still Complicated: Chapter fifteen- Complicated Confrontation.

Five Years Later

Alec Pov- “You're Alan Fox right,” An unfamiliar voice asked from above me. I looked up from my gardening work, seeing a handsome man with sun kissed skin and light brown hair standing in front of me.

Quickly standing up, I take off my gardening gloves, forcing a smile on my face. Even after five years I wasn’t used to people calling me by that fake name.

“Yes I am. Is there something I can do for you?”

He shook his head turning around and pointing to the small farm a mile away. “I just moved in next door and thought I would introduce myself. The owner of this land also owns mine. He told me about you and your husband.”

He turned back to me holding out his hand. “My name is Travis Jacobs. It's a pleasure to meet you.”

I glanced down at his hand hesitantly before grabbing it and giving it a weak shake. It was still weird interacting with people and not having them look at me like I was trash.

Raphael sent us to the small country side of Ohio. I wanted to live in a city like Toledo or Columbus but he thought it would be better for us to live in the country. So now we lived on a small farm in the middle of Hamilton Ohio.

“We’ve never had a neighbor around here before. I was starting to think we never would. Where are you from?”

He shrugs taking his hand back and putting them in his dirty Jean pockets. From the state of his clothes I could tell that he actually was a farmer.

“I’m from Colorado. My mother lives in the area and she's getting older. Figured I should move closer to her to keep an eye on her.”

I smiled thinking that was nice of him to do. “Well your mother is lucky to have you.”

The sound of the front screen door shutting caught my attention and I turned, seeing Magnus walking up to us.

Travis smiled at him. “You must be Miguel. I’m your new neighbor Travis. It's nice to meet you.”

Magnus smiled shaking his hand before taking it away and wrapping his arm around my waist. He was always on edge when we talked to strangers. They could be a possible threat to us.

“Do you have a family living with you Travis,” Magnus asked keeping up the smile.

He shook his head no. “Sadly not. Not all of us are lucky enough to be married to the man of our dreams.”

That surprised me. “You’re gay” I asked before mentally facepalming myself.

“I’m sorry, that was incredibly rude.”

He laughed shaking his head. “Don’t worry about it. Yeah, I am gay but I don’t have a boyfriend anymore.”

“Anymore? May I ask what happened” Magnus snooped making me elbow him in the side.

Travis’s smile fell slightly. “Oh, well… my boyfriend was in the wrong place at the wrong time and was killed.”

Magnus and I glanced at each other before frowning at him. “I’m sorry for making you talk about it.”

It's Still Complicated (a Malec AU)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin