Complicated Truths'

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It's Still Complicated Chapter fourteen- Complicated Truth's.

Magnus Pov- Max watched in aw as the first snow of the season fell from the sky. He was sitting by the window watching it fall onto the street and cars going by.

I sat next to him and he looked at me with wide eyes. “Papa, white. White.”

I nodded pulling him on my lap and wrapping my arms around him. “That’s right Max. It’s called snow. Christmas is coming up fast.”

This will be our first Christmas with Max but it’s also Alec's and my first Christmas together. First real Christmas anyway. Last year Alec was in rehab because of the drugs Valentine injected him with, so we didn’t get to really celebrate.

Max didn’t know what Christmas was so he wasn’t too excited about it. That’s to be expected though. Kids don’t get excited for holidays at least until they’re three.

I'm still stuck on what Christmas tradition we should have. When I decided I would give adopting Max a try, I told myself that we would have a family tradition for Christmas since my family never had any.

The thought of it sprouted an idea. “Alec what are you doing;” I called out to the kicthen. He was sitting at the kitchen table going through the list of people we had to get presents for this year.

“Just going over the list. I thought there would only be one or two people to send gifts too but we actually have a lot of friends. I also want to get Aline and Helen a present. Feel kind of bad for not keeping in touch with them as much as I should.”

I nodded picking up Max and walking to the kitchen. “Go grab your coat. We're going out on the town.”

Alec frowned at this. “What could we possibly have to do in town? You know I don’t like going out more than necessary.”

“We need to go out and find a family tradition that the three of us can have together. I want us to be like the families in the movies who always have fun things to do for Christmas.”

Alec nodded “I know how important Christmas is to you since you never really got to celebrate it as a kid.” He put his finger to his lip thinking before smiling.

“What if we had a tradition that involved staying inside?”

“Like what? There’s nothing fun to do inside.”

This made Alec roll his eyes as he stood up and took Max from me. “Let’s go out and buy a tree. We will decorate it, put on pajamas, and then watch Christmas movies while drinking hot chocolate. Sound good?”

I didn’t even have to think about it. That sounded absolutely perfect.

“I love it. Let's go get a tree right now!”

“Remember Magnus, we live in a flat so the tree can’t be too big. Knowing you, you'll want the largest tree in the lot. We can’t do that though so get the thought out of your brain.”

Damn, Alec knew me too well. As he was saying that, I was trying to figure out how to put a skyline in the ceiling so we could fit the tree.

“Fine but don’t expect me to get a wimpy Charlie Brown tree.”

“How about we let Max pick out the tree as long as it's a reasonable size.”

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